2 - Everyone loves the first day of School

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It was the start of Y/N's fifth year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She looked at herself in the mirror and absentmindedly ran her fingers through her hair. Maybe this year would be different.

*Flashback to First Year*

Y/N was so excited. Both of her parents were magical, so she had been looking forward to hogwarts ever since she learned about it.

After she said her goodbyes, she sat on the Hogwarts Express and gazed out across the quickly changing scenes of rolling green fields and vast forests.

She was so enraptured by it that she barely noticed the door to her empty compartment being slid open.

"Mind if I sit here?" A voice startled her out of her reverie. She turned her head towards the door and saw a boy with dark hair and glasses, his piercing green eyes catching her attention immediately.

"Of course." She smiled at him and extended a hand, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N. This is my first year." He grinned back and shook her hand.

"Harry Potter, and same. You know, you're the first person to not try and shove my hair aside to look at my scar as soon as they see me." He laughed.

Y/N chuckled back, "Well, I didn't think it would be polite until we were at least acquainted with each other."

The door slid open once more, and a ginger-haired boy entered. He immediately darted over to Harry after he glanced only slightly at Y/N, striking up a conversation about (of course) his scar.

Y/N sighed to herself. It was just like before. Always looked over, the ever-present wallflower. She was resigned to it at this point.

After the train stopped, she and the rest of the first-Years sailed across the lake to the magnificent castle on the hill. Once inside the dining hall, she found herself next to Harry again.

As she was about to say something to him, a silver haired-boy walked up and simultaneously dissed Ron and tried to recruit Harry to whatever the hell kinda rich-kid cult he was talking about. Y/N tuned them out. Even if she had tried to step in, no one would have noticed her.

They walked into the Great Hall, and Y/N was stunned at the extravant food and decorations, making a silent pledge to herself to never leave again as she gazed dreamily at the rows of pies and desserts.

When it was finally her turn to be sorted, the Sorting Hat deliberated on it for a while.

"You don't seem to fit in anywhere," The hat seemed displeased, "But I can see you have a lot of courage, though it may not be visible at first."

(A/N: I know some of y'all aren't Gryffindors, but I had to for the sake of the plot ://

"GRYFFINDOR!" The red and gold adorned table cheered as she walked over to join them.

*Flash-forward to present day*

It wasn't that Y/N hadn't enjoyed her first three years, it was just that she had coasted through as a sort of non-entity. Determined, she made a resolution to herself to start living this year.

She had always been sort of a late bloomer, but even she could admit that as she observed herself in the mirror, she had filled out over the summer. Her breasts had gotten bigger and she now had slim curves and clear skin.

She shrugged to herself. It's not like it even mattered, everything would be hidden under her robes anyways.

— This first chapter was just an introduction to you and your background. The real story will start in chapter two —

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