Part 2 - Chapter 6

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"For the party, stupid."

I swiveled on my heel and immediately made a beeline for the opposite side of the room, only to be stopped in my tracks by an invisible wall.

I glared at Riddle, who tried to look innocent as he hid his wand.

"I'm not going to a party tonight." I stated firmly.

"Yes you are." He said even more firmly.

"Can't you just go with your girl gang or something?"

"But they're boringgg," He groaned. "Ok just come for half an hour and then you can leave. And I'll never smack your forehead again."

I sighed, knowing I was going to regret this. "Fine."

"Great, your dress is in your room."


I was more disturbed by the fact that Riddle already knew I was going to agree than how good his taste in fashion was.

Lying on my bed was a deep purple, velvet dress with a simple yet elegant cut and a silver necklace on top. As I stripped my clothes off and got dressed, I thought back to my first party in the Gryffindor term and how different my attire was compared to this. I doubted a crop top would be appropriate now.

The dress fit me perfectly and I was surprised to see that the necklace seemed to belong to Riddle himself. It was a silver snake attached to a delicate chain with tiny details engraved on it. After slipping into a pair of practical heels, I traipsed down the stairs to find Riddle.

He was wearing a completely black suit, complete with a black tie and undershirt.

I cocked an eyebrow, "Well someone's emo today, huh?"

He simply rolled his eyes and held out an elbow for me to take. "The party is in Slug's room."

All the way to the party, I noticed Riddle looking nervous: fidgeting with his clothes, looking at me then pretending he wasn't staring. I was highly confused but decided not to question it. As we rounded the corridor, the muffled roar of jubilant voices grew louder. I took a breath to prepare myself for social interaction and looked at Riddle. "Ready?" He nodded.

We were instantly greeted with Slughorn lumbering forward.

"RIDDLE, m'boy!" He enveloped Tom in a hug and I laughed at his uncomfortable expression.

Tom nodded, "Professor."

"Pfft please, away with such formalities. I consider you as one of my friends, Tom." Slughorn guffawed, swaying slightly in place.

"Perhaps some water instead of fire whisky for a little while, Professor?" I suggested gently. He shook his head with a frown and mumbled something about being able to hold his liquor before stumbling off. 

A group of Riddle's admirers swarmed up to him and his eyebrow twitched in annoyance, despite the polite smile plastered on his face. Meanwhile, I was making a beeline to the open bar. If I was going to get through this night, I would need some brandy. 

Drink in hand, I wandered around the party aimlessly, occasionally saying hi to people I recognized. I wonder where Tom scurried off to? Maybe he finally sealed the deal with Mary Gilwater. I thought with a smirk.

Oh, speak of the devil. I waved Tom over from across the room, where he had been playing a rather intense game of Goblet Pong. 

"How much longer do we need to stay?" I shouted over the ruckus. 

"Only a liddle longer, I hope. I fucking hate...alllll of these people." He gestured with his goblet, fire whisky spilling over the rim. I coaxed it out of his hand, "I think you've had enough for tonight." 

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