8 - Porch swings and envy

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A/N: So I just took the ACT this morning and I have to be honest, I'm pretty sure my brain snapped in half. But thanks to everyone voting and commenting, I appreciate y'all and it gives me motivation :')

- second pic is kinda what Jack looks like, didn't wanna be cliche but just imagine that pic with dark hair and hazel eyes

- Also, listen to that video with headphones, it's so coooool ^^

Believe it or not, Potions is actually one of my favorite classes. I know Gryffindors are supposed to hate it cause of Snape and everything, but there's something satisfying about throwing a bunch of ingredients together and having a tangible product of your efforts. It's kinda like cooking, except more dangerous and I'm not shit at it.

My shoes made a gentle clacking noise as I walked down the stone floors towards the dungeon. There was something about the dungeons that made everyone talk in lowered voices, and a gentle rumble of quiet conversation surrounded me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around to see Jack grinning, his hazel eyes bright in the dim torch-light.

I smiled back at him. "Jack! I haven't seen you since Quidditch tryouts. Oh, did you make the team?"

"Yeah, I did, what about you?" I nodded happily back at him and he swept me up in a hug, spinning me around as I laughed. After congratulating each other, we continued towards the classroom.

"You're a fifth year, right?" He asked me as we walked together, our steps falling in rhythm together.

I nodded. "Yeah I am. It's weird that I haven't seen you before this year."

He shoved his hands into his robe pockets, saying casually "I actually transferred from Durmstrang at the beginning of the year. The weather is so much nicer here."

"I never would have thought you were from Durmstrang," I said, looking up at him. Thinking of the northern boys' handsome yet heavy features, I mentally comparing them to Jack's sculpted jawline and straight nose. Everything about him exuded a fresh and carefree confidence, an almost complete opposite to the serious Durmstrang men.

"What, is it cause of my devilishly good looks?" He caught me staring and winked. I felt my cheeks flush and was glad to see the Potions classroom entrance.

I went over to my usual seat between Ron and Harry. Not to flex or anything, but I was pretty much the only reason neither of them had T's.

Snape swirled up to the front of the classes, wearing (gasp) his signature black cloak.

I wonder if he just had a closet full of the same cloak, or if he only has one and washes it really diligently?

I cupped my chin in my hand and let my mind wander down an extremely strange path. I was saved by a soft smack on my shoulder, and Harry gestured towards Snape, who was staring expectantly at me.

"Sorry, what was the question?" I asked apologetically. He stepped closer, and uttered through probably around only a centimeter of open mouth, "The Wit-Sharpening potion. Its ingredients?"

I bit my lip, and after a moment, answered "I know it can be used as a counter to the Confundus charm, and I know that its main ingredients are ginger root and ground scarab beetle, but what I'm confused on is why the armadillo bile is added last, when it would be most effective directly after the ginger?"

Snape pointed at me, and I felt a flash of nervousness run through me. After a pause, he murmured, "Excellent question," and glided up to the board to write some armadillo equation down.

"Good job Y/n," Ron nudged me, and I grinned back at him.

"I actually didn't know what the hell I was talking about, I just looked at the textbook that he obviously didn't notice was right in front of me," We laughed softly, trying not to let Snape hear us.  He explained the rest of the steps, which I found myself unintentionally ignoring, and then set us loose on it.

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