14 - Weeeeee Slide.

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I woke up in a pile of limbs (that were thankfully connected to bodies)

"Eumph." I groaned as I pushed a foot away from my face. I squinted at the tall windows and raised a hand to my forehead to block the beam of light that had decided to be a bitch and shoot itself directly into my eyes.

Still woozy with sleep, I stuck my middle finger out at the light and smiled smugly. That'd show the dumb sun.

"Did you just flip off the sun?" I heard a slightly gravelly voice next to me and turned to see Draco pushing back his sleep-ruffled hair. Thank god for morning voices.

"It wasn't being nice." I defended myself. "And now I'm hungry. Pancakes?"

"Yeah, I'd love some," He replied, stretching his arms out and yawning. "Lemme just head upstairs and change real fast."

I got to my feet and walked towards the kitchen carefully because I was wearing socks and the floors were hardwood. And I had no wish to go hurtling into the granite countertop.

"Bum bum...bum bum...We're fuckin in the car, shootin heroine, sayin controversial things just for the hell of it," I hummed to myself, putting in my earbuds and playing Love It If We Made It by the 1975.

"Something somethin innocent, suffocate the black man," I grabbed flour and chocolate chips from the fridge. (I make my pancakes with chocolate chips. Sue me.)

I started mixing the ingredients together in a large bowl and swayed my hips back and forth to the beat. I was still wearing the flannel shorts and tank top that I'd put on before falling asleep.

I realized that it was strange for me to be in such a good mood after being assaulted only the night before, but I was trying my hardest to forget about it and just enjoy the rest of my vacation

"Oh! Fuck your feelings," I mumbled along to the rest of the sentence. I tended to know the tunes to songs, just not all the words. So sometimes I just made up my own lyrics.

"And I'd love it if we made it...yes I'd love it if we made it," I sang along to the chorus, trying to keep my voice hushed so I wouldn't wake everyone else up.

I accidentally dropped a chocolate chip and bent down to grab it, arching my back and flipping my hair back when I rose up in a dance move I'd seen on some random YouTube video.

"AND POISON ME DADDY," I threw my head back dramatically and sang the line loudly, forgetting to be quiet. What can I say, the song got me pumped.

I looked over at the boys on the floor and relaxed when I saw none of them had woken up.

Little did I know, I had a captivated audience that had returned from upstairs after getting changed.

I got out a pan and mixed the batter one more time for good measure before pouring the small circles into it.

I took a couple quick steps so I had enough push to slide along the floor to the fridge. I got out the eggs and spun back to my cooking station.

"Something something degradation, something something masturbation," I sang freely, not worrying about knowing the lyrics.

"I moved on her like a BITCH," I flipped over the pancakes that I thought looked ready and smiled in satisfaction when I saw that they were cooked evenly.

"THANK YOU KANYE VERY COOL," I whisper shouted the lyrics as I shook my hips to the beat dramatically.

"Ahh, good. My tasty food children." I stacked the pancakes on a giant plate, and the smell began wafting over to the sleeping beauties.

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