Part 2 - Chapter 3

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"S-Sorry, I was just leaving." I said nervously. "I'll go-"


I stood still in confusion. He looked uncertain but patted the ground next to him, gesturing for me to come over. I walked over and sat cross legged to his left, leaning my back against the stone wall and leaving an inch of space between us.

He closed his eyes again and breathed out deeply. After several minutes of silence, he broke it by saying, "There was a reason, actually."

I turned my head to face him. His eyes were still closed and I could tell he was trying to be nonchalant, but his fidgeting hands betrayed him.

"A reason for what?" I asked.

He frowned, "A reason why I sat next to you in Charms." He hesitated for a second, but continued. "It was made friends so quickly. I've never seen Lucretia or Eileen talk to anyone else in the entire time they've been here and you managed to get them to open up to you in less than a day."

He ran a hand through his wavy locks and I could tell he was nervous, so I impulsively took his left hand and nodded encouragingly. He looked like he was debating whether or not to pull away, but decided not to move. His palm was slightly rough, like he'd done manual labor in the past.

"What I'm trying to say is...everyone here, they all have an image of me as this cold, stuck up bastard," He chuckled bitterly, "But you - you're new. I could be anyone to you."

I wasn't about to tell him that I already had an image of him as a mass-murdering racist so I stay silent and stroked my thumb over the back of his hand absentmindedly. His hand twitched like he wasn't used to having people touch him non-aggressively.

"I was mean to you because I don't actually know how to make friends...I've never had to. The people I hang around with, they're not really my friends. They just think I'm powerful and want to take advantage of me. And it gets so - I get so fucking lonely sometimes. Like there's a pit in my heart and it just keeps growing and soon it's going to consume me." His breathing quickened and I squeezed his hand lightly. He clutched it back, whether intentionally or not I didn't know.

"I don't even know why I'm spilling my guts out to you right now, I barely know you." He said roughly. In that moment, I felt a very real amount of sympathy and concern for him. I shouldn't be sympathizing with a murderer...but he hasn't killed anyone yet at this point, and if I do my job right he's not going to.

"I-I'd like to be your friend, Riddle. You're right that we barely know each other, but I think I'd like to." I said softly. He opened his eyes and looked surprised, but quickly masked it with a sneer, "What makes you think I'd want to be friends with someone like you?" I let go of his hand.

Immediately after the words left his lips, regret crossed his face.

"You know, the first step in not being lonely anymore is letting someone get close to you." I advised.

"I know, I know." He buried his face in his hands and groaned, "It's a reflex, but I'll work on it."

The bell rang, signifying the end of lunch. I stood up, dusting off my robes and offered a hand to Riddle, who took it even thought I doubt he needed my help.

"One more thing..." He said, still clutching my hand, "Call me Tom."

"You got it, Tommy boy." I grinned at him and he groaned, "I regret this decision already."

"What's your next class?" I asked him.

"Muggle studies." He curled his lip, "I wanted a different class but they wouldn't let me switch electives."

I smiled, "Well that's good because it's my next class too! We better hurry, it's all the way on the other side of school." I took off running with a laugh.

"This is so undignified." Tom grumbled before running after me, our cloaks flying behind us like capes.


We got to the classroom mere seconds before the bell rang and I was giggling slightly from the exercise. Most of the other students had already arrived and as I caught my breath I heard a shout from the back of the classroom.

"Y/N! Over here!" Evan yelled with no apparent concern about causing a scene. He pointed to the empty seat next to him and I went over to sit down.

Immediately after I took a seat, Evan hugged me dramatically, crying, "It's been so long since I've last seen you my dear."

"I saw you at lunch, it's been an hour at most." I replied.

"Yes, but still."

"Y/n, what are you doing sitting with this fool." Tom stood over my desk, his tone icy.

Evan gasped, "I'm hurt! I thought we were friends, Riddle." Tom rolled his eyes.

"Just sit here, Tom." I pointed to the seat on my other side and he sat down despite his complaints.

"OOH, you're on first name basis now? Do spill~" Evan said teasingly.

"We just had a conversation is all." I said, avoiding eye contact and getting out my supplies for class.

Evan grinned, "Uh huh, conversation." 

"Rosier, if you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to remove every single one of your vertebrae and replace them with biscuits so you can finally be the spineless weasel you act like." Tom growled quietly, yet loud enough for Evan to hear.

Evan tried to act nonchalant but his face paled slightly and I saw him gulp nervously.

"Tom, that was a little over the top." I frowned at him. He faced front and stared forward stubbornly, "He was asking for it."

 I sighed but brushed it off. He'd already made so much progress today, we could work on his anger issues some other time.

After several more minutes, the class began and I immediately started spacing out.

"And that's why it took so long for muggles to figure out electricity. That's all for today students, remember to do your twelve inches of parchment on the history of windmills!" The professor said merrily.

"Ugh, who could've know muggle history was so boring." I said as I gathered my things.

"This is exactly why they're inferior to wizards." Tom grumbled. I frowned. Fuckin' racist.

"That's kind of discriminatory, don't you think?" I said.

"Not really." He shrugged, "We're not the same as them, you and I. If they have no magical ability, why should they be on equal footing with wizards? They're useless and therefore have no value."

We walked out of the classroom and headed for the common room. "Just because they don't have any abilities doesn't mean they're useless - after all, they're ahead of us in technology and they've built incredible civilizations by hand."

Tom didn't look convinced, so I tried a different approach.

"Snakes don't have any magical ability. They don't even have limbs, but they still have value don't they?"

He grunted but I could tell he was thinking about it. "Don't use snakes against me." He muttered.

We'd reached the common room. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tom." I waved goodbye and turned to leave, but felt a tug on my sleeve.

Tom had taken hold of my robe and looked slightly awkward, "Actually, would you want to work on the Muggle Studies essay with me later? I wasn't paying attention the entire class." Tom was a straight O student and there had never been a class he didn't pay attention in.

"Sure." I smiled, "See you tonight?" I went upstairs and the only thought on my mind was of falling into bed and taking a fat nap.

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