6 - Party Games

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"Ahh!" A piercing shriek from the common room brought Fred and George running in on high alert.

"What is it, where's the danger?" They felt someone tackle them and the twins fell to the carpet.

"I made the team!" Y/N was lying on top of the twins, her voice muffled by their shirts. She brought her face up and blushed, realizing that she was basically sitting on their laps. On the plus side, she could feel their abs through their shirts. But that's not important.

Matching your excitement, Fred picked you up and swung you around in a circle. "I'm so happy for you!" George took you from Fred and threw you over his shoulder. "You know what this means!"

"No I don't actually, and I never noticed how tall you were before this moment." She said as the twins walked out of the common room and into the corridor.

"It means that you are going to experience your very first Weasley party."

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why we're in the hallway and why I'm on your shoulder."

"We're in the hallway to make the party announcement." Fred replied.

"And you're on my shoulder because at this point I forgot you were up there and I don't feel like putting you down." George said, putting one hand on the small of your back for support, sending tingles up your spine.

When you reached the bulletin board, George put you down and Fred pulled a piece of parchment out of robes and pinned it to the board. He waved his wand and the words 'Gryffindor Common Room Party, 8:00' appeared on it in swirling text.

"The parchment is enchanted so that only students can see the announcements. If a teacher looks at it it has an announcement for a book club meeting." George explained.

"Ooh, sneaky! But you guys don't need to throw a whole party just for me."

"To be honest babe, we were really just looking to throw a party anyways. Everyone's been too stressed recently, we need to let loose once in a while, ya know?" Fred said. You blushed at the use of the pet name. "That's true. Are you guys gonna need any help with setup?"

"Nah." George waved a hand dismissively. "Just leave it up to us and be ready to have a good time tonight."

"And don't worry," Fred added. "We enchant the room with a sound suppressing spell. You wouldn't believe how loud some of the hufflepuffs get."


That night in the dorm you shared with Hermione, Parvati and Katie, the four of you got ready for the party.

"So how fancy are these things usually," You asked, sorting through your muggle clothes.

"I'd say dress casual, but just scandalous enough to be sexy," Parvati giggled. "All the guys love you anyways, you might as well put on a show for them. And this party is bound to be wild."

"How about this?" You held up a green lingerie style bralette and some high waisted green pants with a belt. The girls squealed.

 The girls squealed

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