11 - Mountain Vacation Part 1

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"Everyone ready?" Harry said.

It was 6:00 and we were all huddled around a rusty watering can, waiting for it to start glowing so we could stop freezing our asses off. As you could probably guess, I was NOT happy about being woken up so early.

Draco was standing to my left, wearing a long and expensive looking coat with a scarf wrapped around his neck. Damn, that boy was fine.

I nudged him with my elbow and he looked at me. "So Drakey, you never did tell me what you did to warrant you coming on this trip. I thought the Weasleys hated you."

"Well, they do," He replied, his breath misting in the frozen air, "But my father also happens to be friends with the owners of the lodge and they insisted that I join you. They said something about wanting me to make more friends my age." He scoffed.

"Well for the record, I'm kinda glad you're going," I said. He grinned widely, and the happiness was so different from his usual sneer that I smiled back.

"It's starting," Fred announced, glancing over at Draco and I.

The can began glowing a light blue, and we all placed a finger on it.

"Ok, in 3..." George began counting down, "2...1!"

Suddenly, my body was wrenched and I saw swirling lights like a vortex flash before I fell out of the sky and onto the ground.

"Aghhh," I lay on my back and groaned.

I sat up and rubbed my head, noticing the change in lighting. The sun was beginning to rise, and we were in front of a wooden chalet on top of a mountain with a gorgeous view of the Swiss valley.

 The sun was beginning to rise, and we were in front of a wooden chalet on top of a mountain with a gorgeous view of the Swiss valley

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I gasped slightly. My family wasn't poor by any means, but we were never winter-lodge-in-Switzerland rich.

I gathered my things and walked with the others into the lodge. The inside had wood floors and was MUCH bigger on the inside.

"What is this, the fuckin TARDIS?" I asked in amazement. The lodge had more than enough room for the nine of us, and I immediately bound up the stairs to claim my room.

I chose a moderately sized one at the end of the hallway with large windows that overlooked the snowy slopes. The doors even opened to a balcony that I could sit and watch the sunset on.

After putting my bags in my room, I ran back down the stairs and yelled, "WHO WANTS TO HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT!"


The teams were Draco, Fred, Harry and I against Ron, George, Hermione, Jack and Cedric. It was an epic showdown, sure to be talked about for centuries to come.

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