18- Tutoring is for nerdsss

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OH MY JESUS I JUST REALIZED I HAVEN'T UPDATED SINCE MARCH I'M SO SORRY MY GOOD BITCHES. I literally wrote this chapter 5 FUCKING TIMES and wattpad deleted it so I lowkey lost my motivation. But now it's summer so I'll be updating a shit ton!!!!

My last day of school was today so I'm a senior now, which means I get to do college apps now. yay. My brain is smooth from finals.


*Y/N's POV*

Harry and I broke apart and stared at each other momentarily, the water stirring gently and the wind creating a quiet rush as it blew through the grasses on the shore.

"Um...thank you." I said.

He laughed, his voice slightly raspy. "Thank you?"

I nodded, "Yes, thank you. Thank you for being such an amazing person and thank you for a great second kiss."

"Second kiss?" He looked dumbfounded but then smirked, "From what I felt, it didn't feel like it."

"Oh, stop." I swatted him on the arm and he picked me up, swinging me back to shore. My laughs carried across the lake.


I burned with the knowledge of the kiss for the rest of the week. I barely noticed when Jack tried to talk to me anymore - it felt like if I could get my first kiss, I could get anything.

"Okay, remember your homework for the weekend! Y/L/N and Ahelios, don't forget tutoring starts tonight." Snape dictated. I sighed and gathered up my books, hugging them to my chest as I started walking out of the Potions classroom.

"So Y/N, you excited to hang out tonight?" Jack came up to me with a cocky grin and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"We're not hanging out, we're tutoring kids." I was visibly uncomfortable but didn't want to shrug his arm off in case it pissed him off.

"I'm uh, I'm going the other way." I said as we exited the classroom, pointing to the path opposite where I usually go in the hopes of getting rid of him.

"Oh what do you know, so am I!"

I groaned silently.

*Draco's POV*

I had been watching Y/N try to fend off Ahelios' advances all class, and it was all I could do to not storm over there and slap the shit out of him. I was worried about how he would act tonight, when there was no one else around except for a couple first years.

"Excuse me, Professor?" I had waited until the other students had left and put on my best student face, smiling at Snape endearingly. "I really want to do more for my Potions education and I think it would be beneficial for me to apply my knowledge and teach others. I was wondering if I could join the Jack and Y/N to tutor some of the first years?"

His gash of a mouth curled upwards into a semblance of a smile. "Why of course, Draco. It's always great to see young students taking initiative." He started staring off into space and I began backing away slowly, leaving him to his fantasy.

After leaving the classroom, I was heading back to my dorm when I saw Ahelios walking away from me with his arm around Y/N's shoulder. My blood started to boil and I strode towards them.

He was talking loudly and boisterously, but Y/N was looking down and nodding occasionally, obviously disinterested in the conversation.

"And that was when I scored the winning goal. The whole team was supposed to share the trophy, but they gave it just to me bec-" I cut off Assface's boasting by 'stumbling' into the pair, breaking them apart.

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