4 - Drakey Drakey, Eggs and Bakey

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The attendant walked down the hallway of the train, announcing, "Thirty minutes until arrival!"

"We'd better change now," You motioned to Hermione to join you as you walked to the bathrooms on the back of the train.

"I always hate changing on trains, they move so much," You complain to Hermione as you walked back. You heard a low voice from behind you.

"You might like it more if I joined you," You turned around to face a smirking Draco Malfoy. As he saw your face, his expression turned from smug to surprise.

"Nice to see you've stopped using gallons of hair gel," You rolled your eyes.

"Y/N...I didn't recognize you. You look...hot," Draco was still taken aback. What you didn't know was that he'd really wanted say that you looked like a goddess descended from the heavens. But he didn't say that.

You and Draco used to be friends, believe it or not. The two of you had played together as toddlers, and were close up until right before your first year. He had moved on, become popular and built his following. You had followed possibly the most opposite path possible, keeping to yourself and only making several close friends.

What you had almost forgotten was that he was sweet and friendly as a child, character traits that had become buried. You hadn't thought much of how your paths had diverged, but seeing him again brought it all rushing back. Of course, things were different now.

"Thanks Drakey, now would you mind kindly fucking off? Thanks." You grinned and blew a kiss at him as you and Hermione continued down the train. He stood in the same place, still awestruck.

"Wait, don't call me Drakey!" He called after you half-heartedly.

The best thing about the bathrooms on the Hogwarts Express was that they were bigger on the inside. You opened the small door and entered a marble, warmly lit bathroom with a chandelier in the middle and rows of showers, lockers, and beauty stations. There were even large bathtubs and spa stations being worked by little elf ladies.

"Did you know that they added a spa inside the actual Hogwarts castle now too?" You mentioned to Hermione, "Yeah, some rich kid's parent made a complaint about her daughter's skin not being 'radiant' enough and so they installed it."

"Well I know one thing for sure, my skin's gonna be hella radiant this year," Hermione replied and you laughed. You split up into different stalls and changed into the standard Gryffindor robes.

*Time skip to Great Hall*

As you walked through the hall to get to the Gryffindor table, you noticed a lot more murmers around you, even catching snippets of conversation.

"Is that Y/N?" "Wow, what did she take over the summer," "I literally didn't know she existed before now but hot damn," "How did I not know that Y/N was fucking hot now?" "I'd let her petrificus my totalus,"

You sat down next to Harry, with Fred and George on your right. Apparently the twins had also noticed your newfound hotness and started to mention it to you before you sighed and cut them off. "Yes, apparently I'm hot now, summer did good things, blah blah blah I've been over it. Lets just eat now without mentioning it."

The twins looked slightly concerned and Fred put a hand on your shoulder. "You ok?"

"Sorry guys," You sighed, "It's just that I've gotten a lot of comments today. Someone said they'd petrificus my totalus? I'm 99.9% sure that's not an actual thing." Their faces turned stormy and their fists were clenched.

"Do we need to beat some ass?" George asked while Fred rolled up his sleeves. You laughed and shook your head. "I'm ok guys, thanks. Right now I really just want some food."

After the feast, you went up to your dorm and flopped down on the bed.

"Today has been exhausting," You grumbled. "I'm gonna sleep, and Sebastian Stan better be in my dream again or we're gonna need to throw hands."

Hermione looked bemused, "Who are you talking to?" But you were already fast asleep.

The Summer I Turned Hot (Hogwarts boys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now