Chapter Eight

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| song from Emilia's new album | 

Emilia's POV

I still stood in shock after the man left, I recognized him from the past week when I bumped into him. I could never forget a face that called me, "filthy human", who does he think he is. Now I gotta disinfect my couch, oh god what else did his naked butt sit on in my house? To distract myself from what just happened I decide to go to my favorite music store, that's a few blocks down from my apartment. Earlier today after my useless walk to PetSmart, I did come back to my apartment complex to find that I got my paycheck. Finally. I've gotten to know the owner of the music store, Shane, since I moved here. He's a pretty cool guy, I see him as a brother in my eyes. 

I go over by the door where I dropped my purse, then exit the unit. It was dark now so my walk to the store was lit up by the orange glow of the street lights. I hear the humming of city busses and taxis drive by me with careless speed. In the distance I can hear trumpets and makeshift drums made from plastic buckets, from street performers near the city's park. I wasn't originally from the city, I was from the countryside in Pennsylvania that most known as, Amish country. When I moved to the city, which is Philadelphia I never imagined how different the culture would be. It was a shock for sure, I was used to seeing horse buggy's driven by the Amish on the daily. But the closest to that now is a horse carriage ride with a man dressed in 1800's formal wear, that'll give you a tour of the city. I tried the horse carriage ride once when I first moved here, the man was really into character and spoke in Old English. I wanted to jump off that carriage so bad and I could since it was only going two miles an hour. 

My thoughts got the best of me, before I knew it I stood in front of the brightly lit neon sign. Opening the steel barred door my senses are immediately overwhelmed with the sound of rock music. I smile when I hear my favorite band playing in the background, and a familiar face comes around from a curtain near the vinyl records.

"Well, well,'s little Em here again." smiles Shane.

"You miss me, Shay?" I call him by his nickname.

"Oh everyday." he amuses.

"So what can I do for ya?" Shane continued.

I point towards the speakers and reply,

"Is that a new Muse song? I didn't realize they released new music."

"Yup, new album, we stocked the shelves today. They are going quickly though, but I know you and I know they are your favorite band. So I saved ya a disc when the shipment came in."

I run over and hug him tightly.

"You are the best person EVER!"

"You don't have to tell me that honey, I already know the facts." he smirks.

I laugh but I stop when I hear the bell by the front door ring. Turning around I see a tall man, with brunette hair that's short and I see a noticeable tattoo sleeve on his right arm. He stands there looking around the room, but when his eyes that I now see are a dazzling green meet mine he stops and stares, his eyes becoming darker. Strange that's what Alpha's eye's did. Oh my God! I forgot about Alpha, I have to look for him when I get back. Taking my attention away from the mysterious man, I look back towards Shane.

"I'll go get the disc from the back where the other 'reserves' are. Take your time and look around." he says. 

With that he walks back behind the curtain. Feeling awkward just standing in the middle of the store, I start to wander around the vinyl section. Not long after I feel someone behind me, then a deep voice says, 

"Are you a fan of vinyl?" 

I glance behind me to see the man that stood by the door. I feel intimated by him and I don't meet his eyes when I reply, 

"N-no, not particularly." 

I don't feel him leave but instead he gets closer and positions himself to be in front of me. 

"Why are you shy? Or are you afraid of me?" he asks. 

"I'm not afraid I just don't feel comfortable talking to strangers." I admit. 

"Well we don't have to be strangers." 

This time I look at him intrigued, his facial expression is soft as he smiles at me. 

"I can take you out sometime, if you would like?" 

I say nothing but he laughs when he sees me blush. 

"Sorry if I'm being to forward but, you peak my interest."

Before I could answer I hear Shane enter back into the room, calling me over. I look at the man and reply, 

"Sure, um we can hang out, I guess." 

He smiles, 

"Awesome, would it be alright if I take you home? It's dark out and you know how a city works at night." 

I nod my head in agreement, then walk over to Shane to pay for my new CD. He looks at me and says,

"Gotta listen to, 'Pressure' it's a knock-out. Come back soon and tell me how you like it Em!" 

As I walk out the door I look back to wave goodbye at Shane, the man who's name I haven't learned yet, holds the door open for me as I exit the store. The nights air got colder and I visibly shudder as the winds brush past me. The man glances over, 

"Cold?" he asks. 

"Um, yes but I'm okay my apartment is nearby." 

Not even asking for it, the man takes off the leather jacket he was wearing and wraps it around my shoulders, making me warmer instantly. I look up at him, as he looks down at me smiling. 

"T-thanks for the jacket." 

"No problem, I love to help out a damsel in distress." 

I laugh then reply, 

"I wasn't a damsel in distress." 

"Would you like me to take back my jacket so you can freeze?" he lightly says. 

"No." I amusingly roll my eyes. 

My apartment is now in sight so I take this time to ask the question, 

"What is your name?" 

"Well we should have addressed this earlier, haha." 

He pauses so I answer first,

"I'm Emilia." 

He looks at me and smiles sweetly, 

"I'm Logan." 


New character has been thrown into the mix. What are your thoughts on Logan? Thoughts on Alaric? 

- KM 

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