Chapter Nine

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Emilia's POV

"I'm Logan." 

Finally putting a name to the face in front of me, I can now say he isn't a stranger. Logan walks with me to my door and looks around curiously. 

"You live here?" 

Letting out a sigh I reply,

"That seems to be everyone's reaction." 

He laughs looking at me, 

"At least it's a roof over your head. I've been in a place like this before and I know how difficult it can be." 

I give a small smile when peering up at him. Why is he being so nice to me? There was an awkward silence between us, but Logan broke it by asking, 

"Would it be alright if I came around sometime to take you on a date?" 

Immediately my cheeks flush red and I look at the ground, I play with the ring on my finger as I think about my answer. 

"You don't have too, but I'd like to get to know you better. We aren't strangers anymore and maybe we can become more than that." he implies. 

Looking up at him I bite my lip, my nerves getting to me a little bit. Logan takes notice of my small action as his eyes look down at my lips then back to my eyes. 

"I have to be honest I-I've never been on a date before." I confess to him. 

Logan grins at me kindly and he steps forward, grabbing one of my hands that was playing with my ring. 

"I'd love to be the first to take you out. I'll make it special, I promise." 

I'm so confused, this man that I just met about an hour ago, is talking to me so sweetly and so kindly. I'm looking for a reason not to go with him and to just stay inside in bed this weekend instead, but I can't find any reasons. He seems very genuine, something I've never experienced before. 


"Okay?" he perks up an eyebrow. 

"I'll go with you." 

Logan gives me a brilliant smile that was contagious enough to make me smile as well.

"I'm off from work this weekend, you just tell me when." I tell him.

"Tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 7." he grins at me.

With that we say our goodbyes and I unlock my door as Logan walks down the sidewalk back into the cold aired night. Once I locked my door I remember that I needed to look for Alpha. With everything that happened he was forgotten, a naked man in my living room will certainly do that. My apartment is fairly small so he has to be here somewhere. I looked in every room, under my bed and couch, along with any other space a wolf could fit into.

"He's not here." I whisper to myself.

I feel a wave of sadness wash over me for some reason. To comfort me I just need to see those blue eyes. He must've ran away back into the woods, where he belongs. I couldn't be mad, he was a wild animal and it was unnatural to even have him here with me. But I felt a sense of comfort and protection when he was near me. It was weird to me but seeing him after a long day just made me feel happy, but he's gone now.


Logan's POV

It was never my intention to walk into the music store earlier today. I was in the city because one of my spies that I outposted here saw Alpha Alaric, oddly enough walking through the city in a towel. I couldn't help but wonder if the bastard was cheating on Megan with a human. All werewolves know how much Alaric despises  humans. I met with my spy and he gave me all the details, pretty interesting story if you ask me, very unusual for someone such as Alaric. On my way back to the woods I was passing a music store, but I couldn't help but notice the smell of roses that came from inside. This intrigued my wolf, Luca and I so we went to look for the source. The store had a few people in it, I scanned it quickly and thoroughly but when I saw those hazel eyes it was like my world stopped again. In the moment I was shocked, it couldn't be that she was my mate, I already had one. My sweet Olivia. Sadness fills my chest as I remember her death, Luca howls in my head remembering her as well. But now, here was a beauty giving me the same feeling as Olivia when I first laid eyes on her. I walked her home and she introduced herself as, Emilia. 

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