Chapter Fifteen

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| Emilia's room at Logan's Pack house |

Emilia's POV

Alaric told me he wanted to show me around his house by the forest. He walked with me through a thick brush of woods until we came to a clearing, I was so confused is this what he wanted me to see? It was just a bunch of grass littered with twigs and rocks. He walked away from me while I stayed where I was, standing alone. Then coming out of the clearing was, Logan now I got confused even more on why he is here. Next thing I knew I was being grabbed by Alaric and being tossed into a circle of his friends. What's happening? Alaric didn't tell me about these men. One man pushed me on my side roughly, making me fall onto the ground. My wrist landed first then the rest of my body, pain shot up my arm as I knew I just hurt myself. I heard Alaric yelling at the men to back off, I was relieved at his demand. Logan kneeled beside me looking at my wrist and I saw how it was quickly changing colors. Logan and Alaric shared a heated look of anger along with testy words. Before I knew it I was in Logan's arms being carried away from the man who took me from home.

I was now in Logan's home that was just as big as Alaric's. He brought me to a small doctor's office that I thought was convenient to have in such a big place. The doctor didn't spend much time looking at my wrist but he said that it was fractured. He gave me a black brace to wear for a few weeks while it heals. Logan came back into the room and saw the new brace on my arm, he gave me a sad look for some reason.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop him from hurting you." mumbles Logan.

Standing up I go over to him, wrapping my arms around him I reply,

"I didn't know what he would do, I didn't even know what was going on." I laugh.

"Why were you even there?" I ask.

He looks away from me while he thinks of an answer.

"I bet you're hungry let me show you the kitchen."

I roll my eyes as Logan ignores my question. Both Alaric and Logan seem like they are hiding something, is it so horrible that they can't just tell me?

I follow Logan to the kitchen and my eyes widen at the massive space in front of me. The counter tops are marble, there's every kitchen gadget you could think of and best of all they have two refrigerators. Logan laughs at my expression as he walks over to the center island.

"Help yourself, you aren't a stranger to me anymore so I don't mind if you dig into my fridge." he laughs.

I giggle at him as I go over to one of the refrigerators. I open it and my mouth immediately waters at the sight before me. Every food that I wish I could afford is in front of me right now. My eyes wander over to the chicken breast on the second shelf, I look over to Logan with pleading eyes. He holds in a laugh as he quietly watches me rummage through his fridge but he offers to cook the chicken for me. I couldn't be more excited, I haven't had chicken in almost five months! Logan places the seasoned chicken on a burning skillet and the burning aroma of herbs fills the air.

"You look awfully fond of this chicken, Emilia." Logan chuckles.

Sitting at a chair at the marble island countertop I reply,

"I haven't had it in months, with my paycheck I could only afford so much."

"Well my dear it's an honor to cook you this chicken today and I shall make it my best." he muses.


Logan made the best food, I think if I'm here more often I'm gonna ask him to cook for me. I was sitting on a couch watching TV while Logan was upstairs, he said he had to make a phone call to someone. I was so tuned into the television that I didn't hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Then a deep voice startled me,

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