Chapter Thirteen

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Emilia's POV 

"Who are you?" 

Hearing the voice startled me, I jumped in surprise as I simultaneously turned around to see who questioned me. Standing in the entrance of the room was a tall woman with black hair that reached the middle of her back, looking at her emerald eyes I see a look of suspicion. The sound of a heel clicks as she steps forward, in a way trying to show dominance. 

"I said, who are you." she asked again in a harsher tone. 

"I'm Emilia." 

The woman looks me up and down in a judgmental way, she lingers her gaze on my torso where I feel most insecure. I move my eyes to the floor below me as the woman continues to stare me down. 

"I've never seen you before, are you new to the pack?"

Pack? What did she mean by that. Looking back up at her I stutter, 

"N-no, I don't really know why I'm here. Some man brought me here." 

"A man? What did he look like?" 

"Um, he was tall, has black hair that's medium length I guess...and blue eyes." I answer. 

The woman's eyes suddenly hold a look of anger, she struts to me in her heels and pulls me by my shirt. My heart starts racing as she calmly whispers, 

"Stay away from him. The title is mine, this land will be mine, and he is mine." 

She pushes me away as she turns on her heel and walks out of the room. What the hell was that all about? What title? What land is she talking about. Who's  "he" that is supposedly hers? I'm so confused right now. Maybe this is a good time to look at that garden. 


Alaric's POV

"Goddammit!" I scream as I enter my room. 

"What's with the fuss? That was so sexy what she did with the raspberry." Aaron growled with delight. 

'I know, I hate it cause I thought it was sexy too!' 

"You're starting to like her, finally!" 

'It's just the damn mate bond, plus it was just a stupid berry.' 

"But you felt those soft lips on your fingers, just imagine what they will feel like on your-"

I cut Aaron off before he could finish his sentence, something like that will never happen. 

I still feel her lips on my fingers though, the sparks that went through me felt unreal. In the moment I wanted to feel more but she was human, I can't be with her. I grab my hair in my hands, frustration building quickly inside of me. Why did she have to be my mate! The Moon Goddess is messing with me, ruining my life by mating me with a human and now the fact that she is Logan's second's driving me insane. 

"It's not insanity it's love." 

Growling at Aaron I walk over to my bed, sitting down facing the window I look outside. I could see the garden from here, when mayhem strikes the garden was my place to calm down. Standing back up to go to the window, I suck in a breath when I see Emilia sitting on a bench by the fountain. In the moment I looked at her, watching as the wind blew through her hair. She tucked a piece that blew into her face as she was looking at the fountain. The moonlight illuminated the garden, bringing a new life to the flowers and bringing an enchanting glow to Emilia's skin. I felt my body relax as I watched her, I can't lie to myself and say that she wasn't beautiful in this moment. She did look beautiful. 

My gaze on Emilia was interrupted by a door slamming and a familiar voice screeching, 

"Why is there a human in our packhouse!" 

Glancing back for a second at the garden I notice that Emilia is gone. Now turning my attention to Megan I decide to play the innocent card. 

"I don't know what you mean, what human?" 

She rolls her eyes as she approaches me. 

"There is a fat pig roaming through the house! Are you gonna do something about it, Alpha." she sneers my title at the end.

My eyes uncontrollably turn a darker shade when she calls Emilia a "fat pig". 

"There is a human in the house. I brought her here." 

Megan looks at me wide eyed and mouth gaped.

"Why!" she screams. 

"That's my business, not yours." 

Her shocked face suddenly turns into a seductive one as she closes the space between us. She trails a finger down by chest and towards my belt. 

"But baby, I'll be your Luna in a few days. That business it rightfully mine now so you might as well tell me." she pouts. 

That pout would usually get her on my bed but something is holding me back. 

"A few days, that's not today so it's still my business. The human stays here and she is going to be under my care." 

The shocked look on Megan's face comes back, but with more heated rage. 

"Your care! Who the fuck is she to you! I thought you hated humans, why is this one different, Alaric!"

"She just is."

Megan gives me an indescribable look as she hastily walks out of the room, not before yelling back to me,

"You're letting a human into your home and under your care. The once ruthless and cold Alpha everyone knows you as will crumble because of her, I know it."

Slamming the door behind her, I could hear her heels clicking with a fast pace down the hall. What she said could be true, Emilia could become my weakness. That could be Logan's opportunity to make a move on my pack.

"Alaric, Emilia is Logan's mate too. She is just as much as a weakness to him as she is to you." informs Aaron.

'That is true.'

Would it be wrong to use my mate as a chess piece in this game Logan and I are playing? Only one way to find out. 


Author's Note:

Thank you for getting this book over 100 reads! A small victory but I'm very happy with it (: 

I'm putting this book on a MATURE rating, it's going to start getting violent, there will be more language and there will be more sexy scenes lol 

Thank you for reading!

- KM

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