Chapter Nineteen

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Logan's POV

My chest rises in anger as I stand in front of Alaric, his stoic facial expression fuels my anger even more. How could he not show emotion during this situation! Alaric gestures with his hand to let me in and I swiftly walk past him then turn on my heel to look at him. 

"What do you mean Emilia is your mate? She is mine!" I yell with possessiveness.

Alaric closes his eyes, letting out a sigh he replies,

"It would seem fate lead me to a human mate, as much as it displeases me."  

I stare at him in shock, how could he be so nonchalant about her. Luca paces back and forth in my head, he is pushing the boundaries as he wants to come through and let Alaric know how Emilia is not a displeasure but rather a treasure. 

"How can you say that you are displeased with your mate? Is Aaron also dissatisfied with Emilia?" I question. 

Alaric's eyes suddenly turn black as his face hardens. His body stiffen into a more intimidating pose as he walks towards me, I stand my ground as Alaric's wolf confronts me. 

"Mate is mine! She will never dissatisfy me!" 

Luca growls in my head when Aaron states his possession over Emilia. Alaric's eyes turn back to blue after he shakes his head vigorously, he looks at me with a frustrated look as he runs a hand through his black hair.

"The Moon Goddess must've made a mistake. How can a human be paired up with two werewolves, two Alphas at that." He says. 

"A week or so ago you didn't want me to be an Alpha anymore." I scoff. 

Alaric growls at me as he bares his canines slightly.

"Would you stop acting so childish! Look we have to figure out who Emilia will be with, or if she will be with any of us at all. She could be better off alone."

"Emilia is mine! I can tell that she is falling for me already." I smile at the end of my sentence.

Alaric just rolls his eyes as he walks away into his living room, I follow behind him and sit on one of the couches. There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments before Alaric laughed. I looked at him strangely but before I could question him he said,

"Fate is a bastard. I have a human mate, she's mated to another along with me, to make it worse she's mated to a rouge and it just had to be you."  

"Well I'm not happy about it either! You think I'd want Emilia around you? You're heartless and to cold to handle a delicate flower like herself, you will make her wither in time if you stay near her." 

Alaric slightly winces at my statement, he must know that it is true. He looks away for a second before swiftly standing up. 

"Emilia can be talked about another time. I wanted to talk to you about other matters as well." 

I cocked my eyebrow as I stood from my seated position. Alaric says that we must go to his office, he leads the way up the stairs and through a lengthy hallway. He opened a polished wooden door with revealed a sleek but professional office space. Alaric went to his desk where he picked up a bundle of papers, he handed them to me as he said, 

"I got this earlier today, it was after my meeting with the Caiman Pack and before you came here. Alpha Damon wishes to start a rebellion on my pack, this is the official paper declaring it. Our pack has the strength, Damon at the moment only has his pack involved in the rebellion but my enemies are countless. If I don't get any help and if Damon does recruit other packs, then there's only a fifty-fifty chance that I will succeed. I know we haven't been on the greatest terms Logan, but I need an ally and you were the only one I could call upon." 

After scanning over the rebellion declaration and hearing Alaric's speech, I stand there thinking. What are my pros and cons if I do agree to this alliance? I couldn't name any pros, but I could name plenty of cons like my pack members being slaughtered. 

"Alaric wants you as an ally because you are linked to mate." informed Luca.

That cued the lightbulb to go off above my head, looking towards Alaric with papers still in hand I ask, 

"Do you want to make this alliance just because Emilia is my mate and also yours?"

Alaric gives me a blank look as he answers, 

"Yes, that is the main reason." 

I run my tongue on the inside of my cheek in hopes of stopping myself from saying anything offensive, of course he would make an alliance only for Emilia. 

"Alright look, I will join this little alliance for two reasons. One of course for Emilia and for the sake to protect her, second if I don't join you then I'd be slaughtered by the rebellion possibly, they will not call upon a rouge pack for help."

Alaric gave a slight grin as I agreed to his terms. He shuffled some papers around on his desk until he grabbed a piece of paper with tiny writing on it. 

"I knew you'd say yes, anything for Emilia right? Now this is an alliance contract, sign it so we can make this official."

I glare at him as I snatch a pen from his hand. I sign my name right under his, I roll my eyes internally, he already signed it he absolutely knew I'd agree. Shoving the paper into his chest I look at him in the eye and whisper harshly, 

"This alliance is just for the rebellion, you are still my enemy. I am here only to make sure that Emilia stays safe those are my terms, do you understand?" 

"I do, now get off my land." Alaric growls lowly. 

Turning on my heel I quickly make my way out of the packhouse and back towards my packland. I roll my eyes as I see women hiding their children from me, their Alpha is the real monster not me. I have no clue what this rebellion will bring, but I do know that Emilia isn't safe. She must stay with me from now on, starting today she will always be mine. 


I haven't updated in like a week, I had to cram in last minute Christmas shopping lol

What are everyone's plans for the holidays? 

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I'm happy that you guys are enjoying the book, and I hope you continue to enjoy it.    

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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