Chapter Eighteen

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Alaric's POV

The Caiman pack is coming to visit today. Alpha Damon of the Caiman Pack wishes to find his mate on my lands since my land is the last in the country that he has yet stepped foot in. Since last night's fight with Megan, she has moved back home where her parents live. They are omegas so they live far from the pack house which is putting Aaron at ease in my mind and also myself at ease. Alpha Damon and his Beta would be here shortly so Cameron and I were currently lining up the unmated females and males in front of the pack house. I could see Megan staring at me at the end of the line but I ignore her.

Soon my heightened senses pick up the sound of wheels driving on gravel, the Alpha is here. I inform Cameron about their arrival as I go over to the line of men and women readying myself to greet the man who I defeated in battle last year. Silver SUV's approach which speed up the driveway and through the main gates. The first SUV stops at my feet as the door swings open revealing Damon, a man over dressed for the occasion, he has his blonde hair gelled back and he has black sunglasses covering his brown eyes.

"Aren't you a bit overdressed for finding a mate, Alpha Damon?" I smirk.

"Your land was the last on my list, for a good reason and I know she's here, I can smell her." He says.

I wave my hand towards the line of unmated wolves,

"By all means, find your mate then when you are done come find me in my office in the pack house I have matters to discuss with you."

"I have news as well, very well I will be there shortly, Alpha." he replies with a blank face.

Turning on my heel, I have Cameron follow me to my office. I close the door behind us as I look at my Beta.

"That Alpha, his lands have good resources. He picked my lands last for his quest to look for a mate but he is located close to our proximities. We need room to farm, we build to much and our crops have no space to root and grow properly. I say we give him the choice to hand over half of his lands or else we take all of it."

Cameron looks at me with a thoughtful look.

"We fought Damon last year and killed the Beta female, there is no way in hell he's handing over his lands willingly." he replied.

I smirk as I lean back in my chair,

"Then we take all the land."

Our conversation ended right on time as a knock was heard on my door. I called the person in and it was Alpha Damon to my surprise had Megan wrapped around his waist.

"I see you found your mate."

Damon looks at Megan with loving eyes before turning back to me.

"Yes I have, she will make a wonderful Luna."

"Well good for you Megan you got to be a Luna after all, you didn't have to fuck me after all though it was fun while it lasted." I said smugly.

Damon looked at me with a look of hatred as Megan tried to soothe him by saying,

"It was never like that."

I roll my eyes as I stand to my feet in front of my desk. Damon watches my every move while he opens his mouth to speak,

"I came here also to let you know, that I am raising a rebellion against you and your pack."

I look at him confused, Cameron looks just as befuddled as me.

"For what reason would you raise a rebellion." I question.

"You're a tyrant, you play by your own rules and don't respect any other pack in the community. The rebellion is just my pack but it will grow, others want to take you down Alaric."

"You think you can defeat my pack? I have defeated you once before, I can do it again and this time it will be your head that I will hold in my hand as your body lays underneath my boot."

Damon lips form a tight line as he stares at me. Megan takes this moment to step forward and make her presence known,

"I know your weaknesses Alaric, I know now that the human is your mate! Sweet little Emilia isn't? Like I said Alaric that woman will make you crumble!"

Aaron growls in my head as Megan threatens our mate.

"Make no mistake Megan, I will have your blood on my hands."

She growls at me and steps forward but Damon holds her back. He whispers something in her ear and I could she her visibly relax. Damon looks back up at me with a glare.

"I will leave now but just know that you have enemies everywhere around you. The rebellion will come for you and your pack soon enough, you will be destroyed Alaric I will make sure of it."

"Get off my land before I cut out your tongue you worthless piece of shit." I snarl.

The two of them glare at me as they take their leave. My body doesn't relax until I finally hear the front door shut from downstairs. Cameron steps towards me making a whistling sound.

"That sounds like a war, we have strength but Alaric you know that we have enemies out there. We have limited amount of allies, we need those allies for the numbers."

"I will call the Alpha's, letting them know of our situation. Hopefully they will help."

"May I also suggest that we call Logan? He is an enemy but you share a mate."

"He doesn't know that she is my mate too." I inform him.

"Then you better tell him because Megan and Damon could be in the city looking for her by now."

I know Cameron was teasing but the thought of those two threatening Emilia made something inside me bubble up in rage. Forgetting about the list of Alpha's I was to call, I pick up the phone and dial Logan's number. After three rings he answers,

"Hello? Alaric what do you want."

"It concerns Emilia, I'm her mate too."

I hear a hitched breath on the other end of the phone and a moment of silence before I hear the tone of the operator. He hung up, I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

It must've been thirty minutes and I was on my balcony watching the sunset. I was in a state of tranquility but it was interrupted by a hard knock on my front door. I rush down the stairs to see who it could be at this time but the smell gave it away immediately. Opening the door I keep a blank face as I stare at the angry faced rouge in front of me.

"You want to explain why she is your mate too!"

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