Chapter Fourteen

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Logan's POV 

Tonight, Emilia and I had another date. This will be our fourth date together and I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend. If she were a werewolf like me I'm sure I would've gotten her pregnant with our first pup, but since she is a human I decided to go with their dating style. Even though this process is killing me because its so slow, I just want to claim her as mine. I pulled up in front of her apartment then texted her that I was here, getting out of my Range Rover I head over to her door. I knock twice then wait for her, but I hear nothing on the other side. Something in me stirs as I hear the eerie silence inside her apartment. I give an attempt to call her to let her know that I'm outside, but my heart beats harder against my chest when I hear her ringtone coming from inside. Something's wrong. 

I take a quick look around making sure no one is near me, then I bash the flimsy door open with my right foot. The door comes off its hinges as I enter the apartment with my senses on high alert. Right away I see Emilia's phone on her kitchen countertop, suspicion starts bubbling inside of me as I keep investigating the unit. Everything seems normal until I reach her bedroom, a scent of another wolf enters my nostrils. I clench my fists to my sides when I realize it's an Alpha scent. 

"Alaric you fucking bastard." I growl. 

I can hear Luca snarling in my head as he realizes that our rival now has our mate. 

"We have to get her back! Alaric knows she is our mate and now he's taken her to use her against us!" yells Luca. 

'That may be the case, we should talk to him and see what he wants with her and how I can get her back.' 

Luca says nothing in return but I know he agrees with me. 

I leave Emilia's apartment but not without calling a repairman, I don't want any of her things being stolen since I broke her door. Before I went back to my car an idea popped in my head. Leaving my car on the curb I run towards one of my outposts where I keep my spies. Climbing the ladder of the abandoned building I could hear laughter amongst the men I have stationed here. Getting to the top of the building I now see my men, drunk and throwing beer bottles down onto the city streets below. I roll my eyes at their behavior before clearing my throat. All three of them stop their laughter and stare at me in shock. 

"A-Alpha Graves we weren't expecting your company tonight." stutters my main outpost spy, Harry. 

"I didn't intend on coming but something has come up involving your Luna." 

Another one of my men looks at me wide eyed. 

"We have a Luna? What about Olivia?" 

I shut my eyes taking in a deep breath when hearing the name of my ex-mate. 

"The Moon Goddess has given me a second chance mate, her name is Emilia and Alaric has taken her." 

All three of my men sneer at his name and at the fact that he has their Luna. 

"I came here to find out if you have any information on her kidnapping, have you seen her?" 

Harry was the first to reply,

"We did catch Alaric's scent in an SUV passing through the city last night, he came through around midnight or so. He parked near those shitty apartments up the street and about ten minutes later we did catch him leaving with a new scent following him." 

That was the conformation I needed. I thanked the three of them as I descended down the ladder once more and walked back towards my car. 


Its been two days since I found out that Alaric took my mate and today I'm meeting with him on neutral land to see what conditions he wants in exchange for my mate. He promised he would be alone but would bring Emilia for our meeting, but knowing Alaric I figure that he will have his warriors waiting in the forest, just in case the deal goes wrong. To make it fair I'm bringing my warriors as well and they will be in the trees, I know this will not end with out some sort of fight its just in our nature. 

The alarm on my phone indicated that it was time to go, my warriors already left ahead of me so they can get positioned in the trees. I make the decision on not to shift into my wolf form knowing that Emilia will be there and I'm sure that Alaric hasn't told her about us. The land between my pack and Alaric's was neutral land and we are pretty close in distance so walking to our meeting spot didn't take to long. 

Once I got there I could see Alaric leaning against a tree while Emilia stands there looking confused. I couldn't blame her, I doubt Alaric gave her a reason on why she is here. When Alaric sees me he smirks and says, 

"About time you got here, now I'm getting straight to the point. First off I know you have warriors in the trees I can smell them. Second my conditions for this meeting, you will stop all attacks on my pack, you will give half of your pack land to me and finally you give up your Alpha title. You are a rouge you have no right to be an Alpha." 

Anger flares inside of me, I step forward towards Alaric but he stops me. 

"If you refuse my conditions I will keep Emilia and give her to my warriors as a toy for them to play with in anyway they desire." he smirks with a glint in his eye. 

I look over to Emilia and she looks so confused and now scared by what Alaric just said. Looking back to Alaric I reply,

"You wouldn't do that, you're bluffing." 

Alaric raises an eyebrow at me before grabbing Emilia by her arm, she lets out a surprised gasp making me take another step forward. 

"If you want to know how serious I am just watch." 

Within seconds he calls over his warriors, as they crowd around him Alaric pushes Emilia into the center of the group of men. 

"Do with her as you please." he grits out. 

I hear Emilia yelp as the group of men touch her and push her around the circle they made, taunting her. One warrior pushes her to hard making her fall to the ground, she lets out a whimper when she sits up holding onto her wrist. My body fills with rage when I notice my injured mate. Looking to Alaric I'm surprised to see him holding a similar look of anger in his eyes. 

"Alright that's enough! Back away from her." Alaric orders in an Alpha tone. 

I rush over to Emilia who still sits on the ground holding her wrist. 

"Let me see it." I whisper to her. 

She shows me her wrist that is now a shade of purple and blue. Glaring up at Alaric I sneer at him,

"I shouldn't agree to your terms since you hurt my mate. I have every right to bring her back with me to get her healed." 

"No you do not! She is mine!" A deeper voice says, I realize it's Aaron. 

"She's my mate! You have no right to keep her here with you!" 

He just growls at me before replying, 

"Fine. Take her, but keep a good eye on her." 

Something in his voice makes Luca growl in anger. Taking a final glance at Alaric who holds a look of anger and sadness in his eyes, I turn back to Emilia picking her up and taking her back to my pack land. 

"What just happened?" Emilia mumbled. 

"You'll understand everything soon, lets go get your wrist fixed okay?" 

She nods her head as she snuggles into my arms. A smile comes to my lips as I look down at her, her hazel eyes looking up at me, I lean down placing a kiss on her forehead as I hold her in my arms. This is the happiness I wanted to feel again, and it's only the beginning. 


Author's note:

I had some writers block on this chapter but I think it ended up okay. 

Thanks for reading! 

- KM 

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