Chapter Seven

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| This chapter contains mild violence


Emilia's POV

Walking to PetSmart was a challenge, I was sweating like crazy when I got there. Not to mention I missed the adoption event, so my walk was for nothing. Going back home I was looking forward to seeing Alpha. I felt comfortable around him in the strangest way, like he can protect me. Today was just awful and all I want is to see him. I didn't get a chance to get a dog bed for him or toys, I guess I'll do that tomorrow. Getting lost in my thoughts made the walk back to my apartment quicker, the crummy building is now in sight. It's starting to get dark out already so I was glad that I made it back to my door before it was too late.

I took out my keys and unlocked the door, keeping my eyes to the ground as I turn back to close it. A smile comes to my face when I turn around, hoping to see Alpha. But I scream instead, as a familiar man lays down on my couch and when he hears me scream he bolts up. The towel that hung around his waist fell down and I blushed as I adverted my eyes. Looking back over to his face I notice those familiar blue eyes, the same shade of blue as Alpha's.

"H-how-W-what-W-who...oh my God." I stutter in shock. 

The man looks at me and rolls his eyes. 

"What never seen a naked man before?" 

I look down and blush, but I clear my throat and reply, 

"N-not recently-"

He interrupts me with a growl,

"W-why are you here? Are you robbing me? I don't have anything so please g-get out!" I yell. 

The man grabs the towel off the floor and wraps it around his waist again. 


He starts walking to the door, with a force as he opens it and slams the door behind him making the pictures on my wall shake. Who is he? 


Alaric's POV

"What are you doing! Go back to mate!"

'The pack needs me.'

"Mate needs you!"

'She doesn't know about us, as long as it stays that way I'm happy.' 

"The mate bond will get stronger. You won't be able to resist her forever."

I growl at Aaron in my head and shut him out. Stupid wolf. 

I'm ignoring the gasps and blushing ladies on the street as I walk back towards the woods in just a towel. I'm proud of my body, I don't mind showing off. Eventually I get to the woods, so I shift into my wolf form. I start running back towards the pack house as I mink link Cameron, 

"Cameron, I'm out of the city and headed back to the pack. How is everything?" 

Cameron answers immediately,

"Everything is good Alaric. The rouge Alpha Logan sent over some wolves to attack the omegas by the south border, but our warriors took care of them. We have one in the dungeon for questioning."

"Logan seems to be becoming more of a problem. I'll be there shortly."

We end the mind link as I near my pack borderline. I see my guards protecting the border by the tree line, they give me a nod as I run past them. The pack house is now in sight so I shift back and find some clothes stored in a box nearby. I walk into the room and I find my Beta in the living room, waiting for me.

"You've been gone for a while now Alaric, what happened?" he asked.

I sigh and reply,

"It seems that I have a human mate."

Cameron smiles at me,

"Congratulations Alpha! Now we don't have to crown Megan as Luna."

I growl at him,

"I rather my mate be dead than have her be a human! Megan will be your Luna whether you accept it or not."

Cameron takes a visible deep breath before saying,

"With all due respect, Alpha, Megan is not your mate. Human or not that girl is yours. The mate bond will grow stronger everyday when you're away from her and your wolf will soon enough take over completely until she is with you."  

"That will not happen because, Megan will be marked as my mate."

"Your mate bond is stronger than your 'love' for Megan." Cameron states. 

"You will stop questioning my love for Megan! She will be your Luna and you will respect her! Now if you will excuse me I have a rouge to kill." 

I turn away from Cameron and make my way outside and towards our dungeons. The guard bows at me and lets me pass, letting me enter the dimly lit stone hallway. The groans and whimpers of other prisoners echo off the walls as I approach the rouge. One of my warriors is already in his cell whipping him, making him scream for mercy. 

"There will be no mercy here." I growl making my presence known. 

My warrior stops beating him and steps away, allowing me to enter the cell. The rouge is chained to the wall with silver chains, his face is bloody along with the rest of his body. 

"Why did Logan send you?"

The mutt ignores me. I take a silver knife from a nearby table, approaching him with the blade I ask again, 

"Why did Logan send you?" 

"Go to hell you worthless Alpha." he spits. 

I grin at him before tracing a line down his face, making him scream in pain as the silver burns and cuts him. 

"What are Logan's intentions! What does he want!" I yell in his face. 

The rouge looks at me before spitting in my face. I glare at him as I wipe the substance off my skin.

"That wasn't very nice." I whisper tauntingly. 

I don't let him react before I plunge the blade into his heart. His body goes limp on the chains as he hangs there lifelessly. Turning to the guard behind me I hand him the bloodied knife and say, 

"Burn the body in neutral land, let Logan know I'm not one to mess with." 


how's the book so far? 

- KM 

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