Chapter Six: Luna City!!

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"I swear, Phill, everything is under control."

I stormed out of the kitchen before flung myself on the fluffy, -ugh-white couch. I flicked the remote control and switch around, looking for a good channel. Phillip walked out of the bathroom as he too took a seat besides me. It was Sunday afternoon and Lyoed and Kimura had gone out to meet the others. I lied to them, saying I'm still sleepy while the truth is that I need to report to Phillip, who will be reporting my report to the CMS.

The CMS stands for The Crimson Moon Society. They are responsible for finding three summoners from each element and giving us missions such as protecting a town or hunt down the unwanted.

Right now, The CMS had found fourteen summoners, two with fire element, two with water element, three with ice element, one with earth element, two with wind element, two with white element and two with dark element. I had no idea who's the other dark summoner cause I don't really care.

Phillip work as one of the supervisors, his jobs is to keep an eye on the summoner's, making sure we complete our mission and staying low profile in the same time. With low profile, I mean no connection with anybody what so ever.

We are supposed to stay unknown on our mission. We have to be un exist for as long as it takes to complete the mission. But I think I'm going to break those rules sooner or later, anyway.

"I know, Haru. I'm not talking about the mission but I'm talking about you." I turned to look at Phillip, who had a frown on his face. "You told me about those creepy red eyes, right? Well, is there anything surreal happen lately?" Phillip had been visiting me this pass few weeks, especially on Sunday but most of the time we only get to spent some time in my bedroom. We just got lucky today that Lyoed and Kimura is out.

I shook my head. "No and I told you, maybe I imagined those eyes. Because the second it was there, then the other second its not. I mean, really." Phillip put his hand around my shoulder protectively as I put my head on his shoulder.

Its good to know that I'm not all alone in this world despite my parents death.

"You sure?" I nodded. I stopped at the sports channel and throw the remote on the table, snuggling closely into Phillips chest. "Okay then. But don't you think this mission is weird?" I rolled my eyes before looking up at Phillip. Phillip has his eyes focused on the screen.

"Not this thing again, Phill." I warned him. Phillip finally looked down at me and sighed. He pulled his arm away and faced me. "Listen, Haru. If this city is really in danger, why hasn't anything supernatural happen? There's no demon, no unwanted, nothing. You haven't gone hunting for how many long already? Two weeks?" I sighed as I straightened up.

Unwanted is a group of high level mage who goes around stealing peoples element. They stay alive by drinking, or specifically, sucking elements.

"Then why did you make me accept this mission in the first place!?" I cried out in frustration. Phillip shook his head. "I just wanted you to have a normal school life, for once. I also wanted you to have friends and develop a love interest."

I snorted at this. Love interest? The minute boys found out about me being a summoner, they will run away faster than a cheetah could run. Hell, they will be faster than a phoenix! "Normal school life? Doesn't matter how much I wanted to be normal, I still can't. I'm still a summoner in disguise." This came out in a hoarse whisper.

I choose this path not because I wanted to but because I have to. My mother died when I was five. I didn't really understand anything then, until Phillip explain things years later after he took me in. My mother, one of the most powerful white mage, was made into an experimental subject.

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