Chapter Eleven: The past.

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Once again, the moon proudly shone down, bathing the city with beautiful yellow lights. The city felt peaceful as I stood on top of the highest building in the middle of the city. The midnight breeze gently rustling the black jacket I was wearing.

The jacket stop just above my ankle, covering my red turtle neck sleeveless shirt. My short black skirt flows effortlessly around my thigh. The brown shoes and red socks that I had been wearing to school earlier is still on.

"I see you had developed a liking to the colour red." Phillip teased as he stood beside me. He was wearing all black, a black t-shirt covered by a black jeans jacket, black jeans and black shoes. I shrugged. "Nah. Just in the mood."

Phillip chuckled as he too took in his surrounding. "The air seems different tonight, don't they?" He said, frowning. I shrugged. "It seems thicker and..." Phillip frowned down to a direction. I felt it too. The feelings that made us feel heavy and trapped.  He looked at me.

I nodded as I jumped down towards the direction. "Lure it to the field near the school, Haru! There's more space there!" I heard Phillip yelled behind me. I kind of shrugged and landed effortlessly on another building that was shorter.

I clasped my katana tightly as I ran towards the direction.

"They lie and pretended they care just to complete their mission." What Zach said felt like he was saying it to me. Is that what I'm doing right now? Pretend that I care about them just to finish my mission?

I jumped down and landed in a back alley of a shop lot. It was dark and misty. The air felt heavier around this area. I pulled my katana out from its case and walked along the alley. No, my heart said. You sincerely cared about them and wouldn't even dream of hurting them.

I reached at the end of the alley, which is a dead end. A pile of box stood unstable at the wall, at its right a steel ladder to climb the wall. Admit it, Haru, the voice in my head sneer, you don't even want to get to know them in the first place. You felt annoyed and irritated, isn't it?

I frowned. As I was about to put away my katana, a low, devilish chuckle came from my back. I swirled around, my katana swinging. But the thing had already jumped on me and its claws made a loud tinkling sound as its intersect with my katana.

I fell on my back, my katana in front of my face. The demon was small, its blood shot eyes stared at me. It's lips stretch toward its pointy ears, grinning, showing it's yellow sharp teeth. It stood on my stomach, giggling and chuckling.

"Get off!" I muttered as I twist my katana to the right, twisting the demons claw in the process, making the demon jumped back. It landed on it's feet a few feet away. I scrambled to my foot, eyeing the demon. The demon was no longer giggling. It snarled at me, snapping it teeth. The demon seems hungry, not good.

I can't fight it, especially with a space this small and summoning demons is out of the question. Ah, right. The field near the school. Haha, silly me. I turned my back and ran towards the pile of box, using it as a supporting tool as I pushed myself upwards. I made a double flip and landed behind the demon.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I ran as fast as I could, entering the main road, knowing that the demon is following me as I could hear it snapping its teeth behind me. I halt at the end of the road and turned right, scrambling up the small slope in front of the school.

The slope slowed me down a little, giving the demon a chance to attacked me. It jumped up, clawing at me. I dropped face first to the grass covered ground as it's claw caught the end of my black jacket. Why oh why did I have to wear the darn, long jacket!?

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