Chapter Seven: Level Two.

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The school hall was full with pink and red flowers, lining up against the wall along the corridor. I frowned as I spotted this big, full of pink ruffles banner just in front of my locker. (since my locker is in front of the announcement board). A group of excited girls walked pass me, giggling at each other.

"I want to go with Jared this year." said a girl, giggling. Then another girl said, "Well, as for me, I will be going with Zach." The leader (she was standing in the middle so I assume that she's the leader) flicked her hair off her shoulders as she looked at her friends. She was blushing. "As for me, I wish that Shu would ask me to go with him."

I almost gagged as I heard this. Does Jared's group is really popular? Cause for the past few weeks, I had only witness Zach's group in a middle of being, uh, fan-girling? After dropping my books into my locker, a shy looking girl came up to me with a basket full of red and white roses. She was really skinny with her cheek bones sticking out so much, highlighting her deep gray eyes.

"Haru Refling?" she asked, her voice sounded mellow and soft. Frowning, I nodded. She then handed me two roses, one red and one white. I took it, stunned. "Urm, I think you had the wrong Haru."

Instead of frowning, the girl chuckled. "Oh, no. Its really hard to miss those brazen hair of yours. Besides, we only have one Haru in this school." And with that, she walked off. I was still frowning. What the heck?

"O-ho! I see that our Haru had a secret admire." I turned around and came face to face with Lyoed and Kimura, Yuki and Kaji behind them. They were all grinning from ear to ear. Yuki hug me, looking like a proud mother. "Oh, my Haru had grown up so much."

I pushed her away, still frowning. "What is this?" I asked, shaking the roses in my hand. Lyoed pat my back. "Its nearing valentines day, you know." Lyoed said. I shrugged. Oh, right. Its two weeks from now, right? "So?"

Lyoed chuckled. "So, this is one of the events that are being held before the Big Dance." She shouldered her bag. Kaji nodded her head. "Yup. You can order up flowers to be sent to the person you had a crush on or you can also order flowers to be sent to your friends, as a sign of friendship. We usually had this on the first week before valentines day."

Oh. I looked down at my hands, staring at the flowers. "So what's the big deal? This roses means friendship, right?" I looked at them with hope in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly hating the idea of having someone crushing over me but I'm not the right girl, you know what I'm saying?

Kimura skipped to my side, tugging me to walked with them as they started towards class. "Nope. Friendships flowers are in blue and green colour. Red and white definitely means love." And she winked. I groaned. Great.


"Nope. Not me neither."

Kimura's shoulders slumped forward in disappointment. I chuckled as I watched her sulk and pouted. "Then who is it?" She asked. I turned my attention back towards the conversation we were having.

During in between classes, Kimura had attacked all of the guys with her question, asking if they had sent those flowers to me. Each and every one of the guys had shook their head no. I finished my breakfast and sipped the vanilla milkshake in bliss.

"Who could have sent those flowers?" Yuki wondered out loud. I shrugged and smiled at Sheila as she slide in the seat beside me. She hardly spends time with us lately and I wonder why?

Jared crossed his arm. "Who ever it is, I'm going to punch his face when I found out." He said, frowning. Lyoed shook her head, leaning back. "No you won't. If you are jealous, why didn't you sent Haru flowers?" She asked, making Kimura nodded in agreement.

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