incase you forget me.
i want you to know how much i love you.
you're the cutest boy i have ever seen in my entire life
your laugh and your smile drive me crazy
when you look at me i forget all of the words inside of my head
you make minutes seem like seconds and no amount of time would ever be able to satisfy my ever growing love for you
i never knew it was possible to feel this way towards someone,
it's a love i've never felt before and i don't ever want it to go away
i hope you know nobody will ever love you as much as i do.
incase you forget me.
i want you to know how much you mean to me.
i think a part of me fell for you the moment i saw you
there was just something about you
i hope you know that i won't ever stop loving you.
if you ever find yourself falling out of love with me
please, whisper it in my ear
it'll hurt less.
incase you forget me.
just remember this moment, me sitting next to you;
singing some cheesy love song
the clock will probably read 10:12,
those last 3 minutes
incase you forget me
'i love you'
Poetrythese are the words inside my head that i sometimes just need to get out. and hopefully you enjoy reading them