I am going to be the man. I am going to take a stand for the addicts still suffering in the drug land.
I am not running around I am done being found in every town.
I am not using pills today I am going a different way.
I see the change in me I don't mention it I just know I am different.
When drugs are around then you should just tell everyone to leave because they are going to get let down.
I have to stay strong even if the nights get long.
I am doing the best I can because I know who I truly am!
I gotta positive self talk to be successful in this walk!
I gotta remember when I was almost dead. I gotta be grateful cause I ain't in my death bed.
People may hate me, rate me, shake me and may even try to break me ,but how tough I am is what is going to make me.
I got sick of the dope damn I didn't even have hope.
I hated every moment of the crazy life it just didn't feel right I wished I could have ran out of sight ,but Satan gotta hold of me and destroyed my destiny.!
I am back to be healthy and succeed!
Today death isn't a choice I am my own voice.
It took a while to understand I was about to die ,but it was so hard to stop getting high.
I am done with the trap life yeah that's right.