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"The time is near."

"Stop fighting you two!," Rose whispered to Jehan and Courfeyrac, she pushed against their arms with a strong force and pointed at Enjolras who had something special to say. The young lady picked up their empty glasses on the wooden tables and placed them back where they belonged, trying to stop the boys from getting themselves too drunk.

"So near it's stirring the blood in their veins and yet beware!" The blonde haired chief of the les amis took away a large gun out of someone's hands, preventing the possibility of him hurting someone with a fast bullet.

"Don't let the wine go to your brains."

Graintaire winked at Enjolras and took a large sip out of the dark bottle filled with delicious wine. He carried a full glass with him, but enjoyed to get on his friend's nerves.

"We need a sign, to rally the people, to call them to arms and to bring them in line!"

The golden man handed the gun he held to Courfeyrac and concentrated himself back on the plans laying in front of him, listening to the instruction Rose was giving to her friends. She drew some people on the streets and showed with a circle where they would go, the dark lines revealed the location of the various barricades. It looked like a great plan, ready to spread in Paris.

The young lady looked at the person she loved, hoping for his eyes to tell her that she was doing well. Her hands have been shaking for the last hour since she felt nervous about the situation, feeling in her heart that they weren't ready yet. She just couldn't become positive about it, the whole thing brought too much risks. Enjolras came closer to her and intertwined his fingers with hers, pointing with his other hand at the things he believe could change for the better. People who weren't right positioned and shorter ways to the different barricades. He kept on telling her that what she was telling, was great and helpful, but still showed her that it wasn't perfect just yet and that he loved to help.

"Marius, wake up! What is wrong today? It looks as if you've seen a ghost," Joly told him, taking a seat in front of his friend.

"Some wine and say what's going on." Grantaire handed him a small glass and waited impatiently for the story Marius was about to tell them.

"A ghost you say, a ghost maybe. She was just like a ghost to me. One minute there, then she was gone!" Every les amis listened to him, but R was the one who appeared to be most amused by it, a small grin appearing on his lips.

"I am agog! I am aghast! Is Marius in love at last? I've never heard him 'ooh' and 'aah'," he stated while standing up from the old chair.

"You talk of battles to be won and there he comes like Don Juan. It is better than an opera!"

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