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Open your eyes

and see the world behind you

the place you helped

for a greater and brighter future

Take his hand now

and accept the end is coming

you've done your best

I know that

but it's time for you to believe

they will fight on

the poor will not forget us

we will live on

in their hearts, their tears

and smiles

I love you

my golden revolutionist

and it's time for you

to lay your arms around me

and cradle me until the end of time

Enjolras took Rose's warm hand in his and stared with a great smile at her long pink dress reaching to the white floor. Her light colored shoes were hidden underneath the layers of fabric but he could hear the clacking of the heels while she walked closer to him. He placed a soft kiss on her nose and held her in his arms. The soft music of a piano echoed through the room they were in and Enjolras asked her for a dance. Rose answered with her beautiful laugh and allowed him to lead the dance and twirl her around, her dress slightly jumping up from the movement. They enjoyed each others pressence, the warmth that their skins radiated through their clothes. They were together again and there was nothing that could tear them apart anymore.

The end

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