Chapter 5: 'I Don't Feel So Good.' [Thea/Dick/Jason]

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It was movie night at Dick's apartment and Jason had decided to join them. Thea didn't need her wheelchair anymore and had been making progress with her counselling with Jenny at the centre to try and help her process how the chemicals had affected her. She deemed it unnecessary but she continued to attend the sessions to please both of the boys. Having spent more and more time with the pair, she found herself more-than-liking different aspects of them which confused her more than anything. Dick was protective and caring, he always knew how to calm a panic attack and never once missed one of her doctors appointments. Jason was the same in his own way, never letting anyone say a bad thing about her especially when she was in her wheelchair and would text her at least twice a day when he wasn't seeing her to make sure she was getting on okay. Both of them made her feel safe and very slowly she was starting to realise that they both had a thing for her. And in all honesty, that confused her even more.

Being so close  to Dick and Jason meant she was slowly becoming part of their family's everyday life. She'd met Red Robin and Robin and discovered that they were Tim Drake and Damian Wayne respectively. She also discovered that Bruce Wayne was Batman and that took some getting used to. Bruce liked her, and had apologised for how he had handled her being Peroxide in the days leading to her accident.

The day leading up to the movie night had consisted of Thea hanging out with Macy as the boys both had sessions at the centre they were running. It was a rare occasion they both had to be at work on the same day but Thea didn't mind. Spending time with someone other than the boys was refreshing. Thea hadn't been feeling 100% so Macy had driven them to the woodlands where Thea liked to relax. Macy figured it was the lack of doing things that had made her friend feel a bit low and knew that fresh air out of the city normally helped. After spending most the day there, Macy had dropped Thea off at Dick's apartment, having had plans in the evening with one of the guys from the centre.

"What do you want to watch, Thea?" Dick asked, bringing a big bowl of popcorn and three cans of beer to the couch where Thea was sitting, setting them on the coffee table and sitting next to her. She shrugged and Dick frowned. She normally loved movie night, especially when it was the three of them. Jason also frowned from the armchair he was sat on. "Are you okay?"

Another shrug and small alarms went off in Dick's head. Her shaking seemed worse today and that really worried him. He couldn't tell what was wrong.

"How about 'The Greatest Showman'?" Jason suggested. He personally didn't care much for musical films but he knew that Thea loved circuses and Zac Efron and would watch it with her if it cheered her up. Thea didn't say a word. Dick got up, making it look like he was going to get something from the kitchen. Instead, he was texting Macy to see if she'd noticed anything different with Thea when they hung out. Jason soon joined him and shut the door behind him.

"I think I'm more worried than the night at the dock." Dick said. He knew that Jason knew how much he cared for Thea and he also knew that Jason also now had some degree of feelings for her as well.

"She's just staring at the wall. It's almost like when Tim went into his weird phases of not talking to anyone."

"Macy said she's been quiet all day too. What do we do?"

"Have you done something to piss her off?"

"Why do you assume it was me, Jason? It could've been you."

The pair continued to bicker in hushed tones until they heard a yelp of pain coming from the living room and then a thud. Dick pushed Jason out the way and got to Thea as she lay on the floor. She was quiet and pale, her eyes dull.

"Thea? What's wrong?" He gently moved her so she was laying on his lap, in an attempt to make sure that she at least felt safe.

"... I don't feel so good, Dick." She mumbled, closing her eyes for a moment. Her hands were still shaking badly and now were glowing a very faint pale blue. The shaking soon made its way through the rest of her body.

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