Chapter 13: Christmas Party. [Thea/Dick/Batfam]

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It was two weeks before Christmas and Dick had suggested that he and Thea spend the holidays at Wayne Manor. He wanted her to have a special first Christmas as part of his family and knew Bruce and Alfred would go all out with everything. Thea was excited, the prospect of Christmas with Dick at the Manor distracting her from her dark thoughts. Thea's excitement made Dick happy and he couldn't wait for her to open the gifts he had bought her for Christmas. Tim, Caitlyn and Macy were also staying round for the celebrations, making it even more special for Thea. These people were her family now and almost all of them loved her unconditionally.

The exception to this was, of course, Jason. Jason's feelings hadn't changed much in the time he'd spent away from everyone. He wallowed in his self-pity, getting angry at every picture Thea posted on to Instagram. Even pictures of her and one of the girls made him mad and he didn't understand it at all. He'd always told himself that he wanted Thea to be happy and now that she seemingly was, he was more jealous about it. So he'd stayed away, staying offline and avoiding her and Dick at the Meta Centre.

When Alfred had invited him to stay for the holidays, he knew Thea would be there but he also knew he wasn't allowed to say no. He didn't want to upset Alfred and he knew Thea missed him. So here he was, helping Alfred and Damian decorate the main living room with the final Christmas touches. There were presents already under the tree that Bruce had put up in the study for family gifts, many with Thea's name on them from various people. There were even some from Damian and Jason was surprised. Damian wasn't really one for gifts - the League of Assassins had ruined the idea for him but as he'd grown up more with Bruce and his family, he'd gotten used to the idea of it again.

"Tt, watch what you are doing, Todd." Damian huffed, tinsel hanging in front of his face. "You are getting distracted again."

"Master Todd, do you want to take a break?"

Jason looked at the pair blankly. "What?"

Damian scowled. "You are distracted by your thoughts again, Todd. Get yourself together or go do something else. I do not enjoy getting hit by tinsel every three minutes."

Jason was about to say something in return but was distracted by a giggle from behind them. The three of them all turned to see Thea standing in the doorway, holding a Polaroid camera. Jason cursed internally, trying not to stare at her. She looked adorable, wearing a fluffy penguin sweater with dark jeans and her blonde hair in a ponytail. She seemed healthier in both her body and mind, her shaking slowly getting unnoticeable - or maybe everyone was just used to it now.

Thea's camera made a noise as it printed out a picture.

"You guys are so great."


"Aww, Dami is embarrassed." Thea laughed. Jason's heart launched itself into his throat.


"Miss Thea, would you care to do the honours of switching the Christmas lights on?"

Thea squealed happily and nodded. Dick came down the stairs, smiling at the sound of her squeal. He knew what Alfred had just asked her and he was sure he couldn't get any happier than he was at that moment. Jason noticed Dick behind Thea and scowled. Thea noticed and interpreted it as a disappointed scowl.

"Did you want to turn the lights on, Jace?"

"Nah. You do it, Thea." And then he was gone, brushing past Thea and going to the kitchen. The silence lingered uncomfortably so Dick swooped in and swept Thea off her feet. Damian grumbled something under his breath and fixed the tinsel that Jason had left hanging. Thea soon forgot about Jason and his bad attitude, getting distracted by Dick and Alfred showing her the switches. Soon Bruce had joined them, bringing a sulking Jason with him.

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