Chapter 4: Circus Visits. [Thea/Dick]

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It had been a few weeks since Thea's incident on the docks. The doctor had discharged her from the hospital after two weeks, wanting to be completely sure that there was no hydrogen peroxide left in her bloodstream. The bullet hole in her lower abdomen made it difficult to walk so for the time being she was in a wheelchair.  Dick and Jason had made it their personal duty to get her to where she wanted to go. Thea knew they both felt guilty about not going with her that night and had tried to convince them that she was perfectly able to manoeuvre herself round Gotham but they both told her they would still take turns in helping her out . In the end, she gave in, which pleased the boys. They knew she wouldn't be able to wheel herself around as her hands were still shaking badly.

Today was Dick's turn to take Thea out. He had planned a trip to the visiting Haly's Circus so he could show her where he came from. He wanted her to know more about him, and based on what she'd been telling him on the car ride there, Jason had the same idea. He found it amusing yet annoying that Jason had also developed a 'crush' on Thea and Thea hadn't even noticed either of their valiant attempts to show her that they liked her. Dick understood though, he'd been with her most nights at the hospital and had spent the majority of them comforting her as she woke up from nightmares about it all. Her own mind tired her out and she had taken to having naps at his apartment. She'd mentioned in passing that she felt safer there or at Jason's and Dick always made it a stop on their outings. Sometimes, he'd just pick her up from her apartment and take her to his to watch movies and keep her distracted from her thoughts. The nights that he and Jason were both required to patrol, Dick's friend Macy would keep Thea company.

"We're here." He said brightly as they pulled up onto the grass by the circus, looking at Thea who was sat in the passenger seat next to him. She was looking at the circus set up curiously, her sapphire blue eyes sparkling. It was nice for him to see, she'd seemed somewhat depressed since her accident since she couldn't be at the centre to work yet and he knew she wanted to get back to doing what she loved - helping people.

"I've never been to a circus." She mused, her voice a lot better now. "They're still setting up though. I think we're early."

"This is a special kind of circus - I get VIP access to this one." Dick replied, starting to get out the car to get her wheelchair out the trunk. Thea grabbed his wrist as he before he got out.

"I wanna walk."

He looked at her and smiled. "Sure." He got out the car and went round to help her out. He opened the door for her and held his hand out for her to hold on to. She sighed as she stood up, closing her eyes. Dick looked at her, unsure of if she was in pain or not.

"I'm fine." Thea didn't have to open her eyes to know he was worried. "My legs forgot what it's like to stand for more than thirty seconds."

"Are you good to go?"

She nodded, reached for her bag whilst still holding onto Dick, then took a couple of steps so she could shut the car door. It took a couple of seconds for her to get her stride and soon she was walking almost as if she hadn't been hurt. Occasionally, she'd hiss or mumble in discomfort but she kept going. Soon they got to the entrance of the main tent and music could be heard.

"Welcome to Haley's Circus, Thea." Dick said as he pulled back the curtain to reveal the inside of the tent. Inside there were gymnasts practising their routines and lighting people up on ropes fixing spotlights.

"The great Richard Grayson returns!" A voice came from the side of them and Thea jumped slightly, gripping onto Dick's hand a little tighter. "And he brings a friend!"

"Mr. Haley! It's so good to see you." Dick smiled at the man in front of them, squeezing Thea's hand as a reassurance. "I hope you don't mind us stopping by."

"Of course I don't, it's always a pleasure when you visit. Tell me, who is your friend?"

"This is Thea. Thea, this is Mr Haley - he owns the circus."

Thea managed a small smile and a wave.

"Is Zitka still here?"

"I don't think she'll ever leave, my boy. She's in the third tent round the back. It's so good to see you. You've grown into such a fine young man. Your parents would be very proud of you."

Dick smiled and leant to shake Haley's hand before taking Thea to the tent round the back. Thea looked at Dick as they walked together.

"You're a Flying Grayson, aren't you?"

"I am indeed. How did you guess?"

"I remember it being on the news, it's the reason I've not been to a circus. My parents didn't want me to potentially see something so tragic at a young age. But, when I got older, I looked up videos of the routines. I enjoyed watching them and trying to train to be just as good as you. I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure it out."

"Well, when you're better, I can help you out with that training. If you like, that is. You're pretty good at it already." He pushed a curtain aside and was greeted by a loud trumpeting. Thea squeaked in surprise as she saw the source of the sound.

"Thea, this is Zitka. My elephant."

Thea stared at Zitka, completely in shock.

"Thea?" He squeezed her hand slightly.

"You have... An... Elephant."

That made him chuckle and he lead her closer to Zitka, slowly so not to startle either of them.

"She's friendly, I promise."

Whom he was speaking to was unclear to the blonde but his words calmed her nerves and that's what she focused on. Gently, Dick lifted the hand that was holding hers to touch Zitka's trunk. Zitka let them, happy to see her old friend once again. After a while of talking to both girls in the room, Dick looked at Thea.

"D'you wanna see the trapeze?"

"Are you going to show off your skills?" She smiled, her eyes sparkling again.

"You know me well," he laughed as he took her hand again. "How are you feeling? Not too sore?"

"I'm okay. I think I need to sit down though."

"Come on then."

He led her back to the main tent, where the gymnasts were taking a break. The trapeze was already set up and Dick looked up at it as they walked to the benches.

"You okay here?" He asked as he helped her sit down. Thea nodded, almost not wanting to let go of his hand. "Good. Prepare to be dazzled." He said jokingly, making her laugh. It was a sound he hadn't heard much since that night at the docks, and definitely not one he'd heard when both him and Jason were both with her. This made his face light up and Thea noticed.

"Go dazzle me, Boy Wonder." She smiled, letting his hand go. He returned the smile and went off to climb up to the trapeze. She watched him begin a basic routine to warm up, letting her mind wander a little. For once, it didn't wander to the docks. It wandered to the day trips she'd been having with both Dick and Jason together. It wandered to the nights spent at Dicks apartment, his arms around her in a comforting hug as she had a panic attack over something small. It wandered to Jason back-talking a random woman in the mall who scolded her for using a wheelchair when there was 'nothing wrong' with her. It wandered to Dick coming through her window at five in the morning after Macy had spent the night with her to check that she was okay. They both did so much to help her, and she wasn't so sure it was just because they felt guilty for not going with her that night. No, she thought. We're all just friends. They want to help me because I'm their friend. She blinked a couple of times and returned to the present, watching Dick showing off in the air. She clapped as he landed gracefully on the crash mat below him.

"Did I dazzle you?" He asked as he made his way back over to her and sat next to her.

"Absolutely." She replied.

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