Chapter 6: First Kiss. [Thea/Dick]

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As promised, Dick took Thea to watch the full show at Haly's Circus. Mr. Haly was more than happy to get them front row seats so Thea could see everything. She hadn't had another incident since the movie night and she was making progress in her therapy sessions with Jenny and the dance therapy sessions that Macy had started doing with her.

He bought her candyfloss and when the lights went down to start the show, he put his arm around her shoulder. Instead of moving away like he thought she might do, Thea moved a little closer and rested her head on his shoulder. Occasionally she'd offer him some candyfloss, which he'd accept to keep her happy. He looked down at her every so often and her eyes never left the stage. He was glad she was getting better and was starting to feel more like herself again, Tim had said she could start back at work soon and would start with small cases to ease her back into it.

At the end of the show, Thea stood up with the rest of the audience to give a standing ovation. Dick stood next to her, looking at how happy she was and knew he was about to make her day even better. As the audience began to leave, he grabbed her hand and snuck her round the back of the tent.

"What are you doing?" She asked as they got to Zitka's tent.

"I thought you might want to meet everyone, but usually they don't do meet and greets so we have to sneak out here and wait for everyone to leave."

"Why the exception?"

"Haly loves me and he likes you too."

Thea blushed a bit then turned to say hello to Zitka. Zitka made a sound that Thea could only assume was a happy 'hello' back and bopped her arm with her trunk. While Thea talked with Zitka, Dick went to check that the public had left. Haly had agreed to what Dick had planned and he was quite excited to show Thea. He came back to find Zitka's trunk round Thea in what could only be described as a gentle embrace. Thea's sapphire eyes were sparkling as she hugged onto the loving elephant's trunk.

"She likes you." Dick said as he came up behind her. Thea turned to him, her cheeks flushed pink. Dick had to resist the urge to kiss her right there and then. They stayed with Zitka for a while, Dick happy to delay what he had planned for a little bit longer. Eventually, he took her hand and pulled her gently away from Zitka.

"Come on, lets go meet the crew." As they entered the main tent, the intro to 'Rewrite The Stars', Thea's favourite song, was playing. The tent was empty apart from two ropes hanging from the ceiling. The lights were low as Dick led her to the stage.

"There's no one here."

"I know."

He handed her a rope as the song started to get into the main part and took hold of his own. With a swoosh, Dick was up in the air. Thea watched in awe, confused but as the song made its way to the chorus, she was in the air with him. She was breathless, part of her forgetting what it was like to swing in the air like she used to. Dick was careful not to crash into her as he swung round her as the song continued. She watched him mesmerised, realising a second too late that he was bringing her back to Earth.

'All I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

So just give me all of you'

She couldn't help but sing as Dick swung around her once more. It was only then that she realised he was singing with her -  he was pretty good at that as well as everything else - and it clicked with her what he wanted to do.

'It feels impossible (it's not impossible)

Is it impossible?

Say that it's possible.'

They both ran to each other, still holding onto their ropes. With Dick's perfect timing, they recreated her favourite scene from her favourite movie and it was everything he had hoped it would be. Dick watched her eyes sparkle as he held her close to him as they continued swinging together. As they gently landed on the ground, Dick leant in and kissed her. It was soft and sweet. He allowed three seconds to see if she would respond then to his surprise and relief, she kissed him back. Both of them let go of their ropes, lost in the moment of it just being them two and no one else. Dicks hands went to her waist and Thea's arms rested on his shoulders. He felt a huge weight being lifted from him having waited months to show her how he felt about her. After a few more moments, he pulled away. Her eyes were closed and a smile played on her lips. Slowly she opened her eyes and made eye contact.


Dick laughed. "You liked it, then?"

Thea nodded, her cheeks still flushed pink and her breath still slightly shorter.

"That was probably the most magical five minutes of my life, Dick."


"I wasn't going to meet anyone today was I?"

"Not at all."

Thea laughed and leant up to kiss him once more. "You're cheeky."

"I try." He smiled at her then took her hand. "Let's go get take-out and watch a movie at mine."

Thea nodded and Dick could see that she was genuinely happy with things at that moment. They walked hand in hand to Dick's car and headed into the city to get Chinese food. As they drove, a small voice in Thea's head reminded her about Jason. You are going to really crush Jason if you get with Dick. You like them both, but you can't be with them both. What are you going to do? Thea sighed, leaning back in her seat. Dick interpreted as a sigh of happiness, which Thea was thankful for. The voices in her head were sometimes to much to handle and there wasn't anything she could do about it. When they got their food and got to Dick's apartment, she managed to get the voices to be quiet as they watched a movie together. She decided she would only confide in Macy about her magical moment at the circus. She knew that if she didn't tell someone, she would burst but didn't want Jason to find out. Not yet. Not until she had really thought about what she wanted in her life. Amazingly, the pair made it through the whole of the first movie and Dick stretched before flicking through choices for a second one.

"What do you want to watch?"

There was a pause before Thea gave an answer. "'Star Trek'. The third reboot one."

"Good choice."

After moving her take-out from her lap to the coffee table, Thea moved to curl up next to Dick. She enjoyed spending time with him like this. As the movie got into the swing of things, Thea felt herself falling asleep on him as she usually did.

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