Chapter 12: 'I Couldn't Be More In Love.' [Thea/Dick]

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Six months had passed since Thea's accident on the docks. Things were still difficult for her, with the shaking in her hands still something that hindered her. She and Dick had been dating for a while, and everyday he worked his hardest to make sure that she was happy and safe. He knew she was still suffering with the mental aftermath of that night and from the night that Deathstroke kidnapped her and to make things easier for her, he'd asked her if it was okay for him to move in with her. Thea agreed and things seemed to be getting better for her.

Tonight started out as it would usually would - Dick drove them home after being at the centre all day and when they got home, he started cooking something for dinner whilst Thea tidied the apartment. Thea hadn't had a meltdown in about five weeks and since Dick had started sleeping next to her every night, her nightmares were getting less and less frequent. She'd started going out more with Macy and Caitlyn, balancing her time between work, Dick and her friends. Jenny had said she was progressing exceptionally well in her therapy and had said that once the doctors could diagnose her shaking and mysterious blue energy then she would be able to pass her as fit to return as Peroxide.

As Dick was putting their food in the oven, he heard a smash from the living room. "Thea?" There was silence so he put oven mitt on the side and went to see if she was okay. He found her staring at the glass she had dropped, her hands shaking more again. He slowly approached her so not to startle her. "Thea, baby? It's alright, it's just a glass." Thea looked at him, her eyes threatening tears. "It's okay, I'll clear it up. Don't worry." He reached to hold her hand, in an attempt to try and comfort her. She pulled her hand away, her eyes slowly turning to the pale peroxide hue. Dick stepped back to give her space. "Thea?"

"Stop being so nice." She hissed at him, an anger Dick had never heard before making an appearance.


"Stop being so nice to me! " She yelled, her hands glowing. "Why are you always so kind to me?"

"Thea, I love you. I can't not be kind to you - it goes against everything I am and everything we are."

"How can you love someone like me? All I do is break things and fuck things up!"

"Thea, baby, please..."

"I'm a mess! You deserve better than me!"

Her anger switched to sobbing and she fell to the floor, her knees hitting the broken glass. Dick then moved to her, kneeling next to her and hugging her close. He didn't care about the glass on the floor digging into his legs.

"Thea, my sweet girl, you're not a mess." He kept his voice soft, hiding the hurt he felt from her words. "You're the love of my life, nothing you do or say will change that. I love you. Please don't say things like that."

"I'm not good for you."

"Stop it, Thea. Please."

Dick couldn't get his head round what she was saying. He couldn't tell if this was her voices taking over or if she truly believed that she wasn't good. He gently took her hands in his, ignoring the burning feeling from the glow that surrounded them. "I love you - all of you. All your bad things, all your good things."

"Stop!" She yelled again, pulling away from him. She moved backwards, her hands hitting the glass behind her. She squeaked in pain, her sapphire irises returning for a moment. But it was just a moment and the icy hue returned. "Why do you do this? I'm not good for anyone especially not someone as wonderful as you!"

Dick couldn't take it anymore. "Thea, that's enough." Thea stopped, shocked at the sudden change of tone in his voice. "This is not about what I deserve. This is not about what you deserve. It's about what we want and I want you." He went back to his usual caring tone. "I want everything you are, all the pain you have inside, all your happiness. I want to love you forever and I know that what I feel is real because I haven't even looked at another girl since I met you."

Thea blinked a couple of times and her eyes returned to normal. Her hands stopped glowing and she suddenly felt the pain from the glass, her eyes welling with tears.

"I couldn't be more in love with you, Thea Rose."

Thea burst into tears, falling forward into his arms. Dick caught her and let her cry onto his chest, rubbing her back to soothe her.

"You're okay, baby. It's okay."

She sobbed and Dick's heart broke. He couldn't understand why she felt like that, why she questioned how he felt. Soon she was quiet and he could hear her trying to control her breathing.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, looking up at him.

"It's okay baby, I know you're having a hard time."

"I shouldn't take it out on you, though. That's not fair."

"It's what it is though, so don't stress about it too much please." He gently moved them so they were away from the glass. "Are you okay to stand? I probably should rescue the food I put in the oven." That earned a small smile and a nod from his love and he helped her up. He took her to the kitchen and took the food out of the oven as she sat at the counter, trying to get a piece of glass from her knee that she hadn't realised was there until she stood up. Dick put the hot dish on the counter and turned to face her. "Let me help you, baby girl." He knelt in front of her, waiting for her approval.

Thea let him and he gently pulled the glass out. She stifled a yelp, closing her eyes as Dick cleaned the cut. The glass shard had snagged just above the scar she'd gotten from the night they first met as their alter egos. Thea grumbled at the stinging sensation as he finished cleaning it up. Dick stood up and placed the paper towel with the shard in it on the counter before cupping her face, kissing her softly.

"You never have to worry about if you're good enough for me, okay? I promise you that you are." He whispered, keeping their faces close. "I will love you no matter what." He kissed her again. "Now, how about something to eat?"

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