Chapter 7: Meltdown. [Thea/Jason]

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Thea sat on the floor at the gym in the centre, tired after an extensive training session with one of the coaches, Leo. She was getting better though her hands still shook something chronic. Leo had her focusing on her stamina, getting her back up to where she used to be as Peroxide. Her training was going well, despite her anger at herself for not being able to control her shaking.

It had been a week since Dick had kissed her at the circus and although she tried to act normally around Jason, she found it increasingly more difficult. The more she played the magic memory back in her head, the more she fell for Dick Grayson. She hated feeling conflicted, the feeling ate at her. Dick noticed it the day after he kissed her and asked her about it, and she broke down in his arms, telling him everything she felt. Dick reassured her that his feelings wouldn't change for her and that he would be there for her no matter what she decided to do. Jason, on the other hand, hadn't quite realised the dilemma Thea had found herself in. It was clear he now had something against Dick, resulting in him only spending time with Dick and Thea if Caitlyn, Macy or Leo were present. This upset Thea even more and she couldn't find a way to tell Jason so.

The September sun poured through the windows in the gym as Thea took a sip from her water bottle. She closed her eyes for a moment to attempt to shut her voices up for a moment. She opened them again as she felt the presence of someone looking at her from the doorway.

"Stop lurking around, Jason."

Jason laughed and came over to her before she could turn around. He sat in front of her, giving her a smile.

"How did you know it was me, Blondie?"

"I know what your stare feels like now," she replied, nudging him with her foot. He smiled but  his eyes seemed sad. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just miss you, is all. We've not had a just-us day in a while."

"That's because I'm working again now, you know that. We work very different shift patterns, since Peroxide isn't coming back until I can get this damn shaking to stop." Jason pouted and she nudged him with her foot again. "Stop being so silly. We're both free now, let's go hang out."

That cheered him up a bit and he jumped up, holding a hand out to her. She accepted and let him pull her up.

"Meet me in the lobby, I'm going to shower and change." She instructed him, letting go of his hand so she could go to the changing rooms.

"Yes Chief." He smirked and left to wait for her.

Fifteen minutes later, she joined him in the lobby, feeling better after a shower and a new set of clothes. As they left the centre, they passed Dick who smiled at them both. Thea smiled back but Jason scowled.

"Stop being mean." Thea scolded as they went to Thea's car.

"Me? Mean? Never." Jason replied as she unlocked the car and put her bag in the back seat.

She frowned, opening her side of the car as he sat in the passenger seat. "Liar."

"Why am I a liar?"

"You've been really off with Dick since my meltdown at movie night." She replied, starting the car up. Jason sighed and leant back in the chair. He didn't want to say anything, in case it ruined everything. He'd managed to get a lot of feelings for her and that in itself was a big thing, he wasn't one for relationships and commitment. He wanted to let it go, let her be happy with Dick and have her still in his life as what he would consider her as a best friend. He found it ironic that he had teased Dick for having a crush on her yet here he was in the same situation. He knew it wasn't her fault. As Thea, she was innocent and never believed she was beautiful yet she was always so quick to help others without thinking of herself first. As Peroxide, she was sassy and fierce and it was that element of her that caught his attention.

"Where should we go?" Thea's voice brought him out of his thoughts.


"Where do you want to go? You're the one who wanted to hang out, I assumed you had a place in mind."

"Oh. Right. Ya hungry? We could grab something to eat at the mall or something." He shrugged.

"Hmm... I am hungry but I don't know if I want to go to the mall."

"Or you could park at the mall, I go get food then we go to either yours or mine?"

"That works."

The drive to the mall was a quiet one, with Jason losing himself in his thoughts again. After ten minutes or so, Thea pulled into the parking lot. Jason blinked, realising they were there. Thea gave him twenty dollars for her food.

"Don't be stupid, Thea. I'll buy yours."

"Why does no one let me buy my own food?"

"Because we love you." He meant it platonically for now, which she assumed since she had been referring to Macy and Caitlyn as well.

"Well, it's gotta stop. Take the damn money, Jace."

"No. I'm treating you since I'm the one who suggested we get food."

"Oh for fucks sake..."

Jason had already disappeared, chuckling to himself.


A few hours later back at Thea's apartment, the pair had finished the food that Jason had bought. The TV was on in the background but no one was watching it. Instead, they were scrolling through pictures on Thea's laptop of all of their adventures since her accident. Jason looked at her as she recounted each one, telling him her favourite part of each day. The way she told stories was mesmerising to him. After a while, she got up to get a drink. As she did so, Jason also stood up. He grabbed her hand and spun her to face him, kissing her deeply. Thea squeaked in shock, responding for a moment but ultimately pulling away. She looked at Jason confused and he looked a bit hurt that she'd pulled away.


"I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

Thea was silent, her hands starting to shake more than usual. Jason took them into his, hoping it would calm her.

"Don't." She whispered, pulling her hands away. "Don't do that."

"Thea, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Thea didn't say anything and took a couple of steps back. She was starting to feel the same way as the movie night and didn't want to hurt him. She dropped her head, hiding behind her hair. 



"Thea, please say something." Even if it was to tell him to go to hell, he wanted her to say something to indicate she was okay. She still said nothing and he noticed her hands starting to glow that same blue colour. "Thea?" He took a step towards her and was surprised when she put her hand up to stop him. She finally looked up at him and her eyes were glowing the same pale shade.

"Jace... Help me..."

Before Jason could move, Thea screamed in pain. Blue energy released itself from her hands before she had a chance to move, hitting Jason's arm. He gasped in shock as he got hit then, without thinking, tried to catch Thea as she passed out. He just managed to catch her, avoiding her coffee table.


He managed to grab his phone from the table and called Dick. When Dick answered, all he could say was "you need to get to Thea's," before hanging up. He felt guilty for kissing her, for confusing her. Dick let himself in and found them in the living room.

"What happened?" He asked, kneeling in front of Jason. Jason gently moved Thea so she was resting on Dick's lap.

"She'll tell you when she wakes up I'm sure. I need to go..."

Before Dick could say anything, Jason was up and out of Thea's apartment.

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