Chapter 15: Fearscapes and Rescue. [Nightwing/Peroxide]

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Two months later.

Nightwing woke up, bound to a chair. He groaned, his eyes adjusting to the minimal light in the room he was in. Slowly, his memory started to come back. He remembered being out with Red Hood and Robin, on a standard patrol, then being ambushed. He couldn't remember if his brothers got away and he didn't remember how he got where he was. The door in front of him opened before he could even shout at whoever put him here and men in white tunics came in.

"Do not resist."

"Don't fucking touch me."

Nightwing started trying to escape as the men brought over a syringe of green liquid. Firm hands pressed against his shoulders, stopping him from moving and he yelled out as the needle was plunged into the base of his neck.

"Let's see how well you do in our test, Nightwing."

Nightwing tried to break free one more time before his eyes closed by themselves and his mind succumbed to the liquid in his bloodstream.


Nightwing woke up on the floor, confused. He was in the same room as he remembered but how he got out of the chair was beyond him. He managed to pull himself, moving slowly to the door. He was dizzy and he felt weird. Not weak, but something in him was trying to tell him this wasn't real. He opened the door, finding the energy to run down the hall. He kept going, looking for an exit. As he turned a corner, he stopped. Someone was in front of him.

"Hey, can you help me?" The figure turned round and Nightwing felt relief. It was Thea and she looked even more beautiful than he'd ever seen her. "Thea, let's get out of here. I don't want them to hurt you too."


"What? Thea, this place is dangerous, we need to go."

"You promised." The words were spiteful. "You've been gone for months! You said you would never leave me!"
He saw the anger in her from a few months ago and he couldn't bear to see her that way.

"I would never leave you alone that long, Thea. And you know that. I always come back if I have to go somewhere. Please, let's go."


Suddenly she was hitting him, forcefully. Nightwing was shocked, holding his arms up to defend himself.

"Thea, enough. Please." He grabbed her arms, pulling her towards him. Her eyes weren't her usual sapphire blue, nor her icy colour. They were grey and lifeless. "Thea?" Thea pushed him backwards and he fell through a window that wasn't behind him a moment ago. He landed on his back in Wayne Manor, grunting at the force. He knew something was wrong but he didn't know how to stop it. He heard footsteps behind him and got up quickly, ready for whoever else might have a problem with him. Sure enough, Jason came in, a gun in each hand.

"She doesn't deserve you."

"Don't start this, Jason."

"I could treat her so much better. And she knows it. You know it too."

"I swear to God, I will kick your ass if you don't stop."


Jason fired a shot at Nightwing's leg and he grunted, falling on to one knee.

"Give me a reason not to end your sorry excuse of an existence."

"Stop!" Thea's voice echoed in the room. "Don't hurt him!" Thea was suddenly behind Jason, pushing past him to get to Nightwing. This Thea was different, more like the Thea he knew. As he looked at her, he noticed something else. This Thea was at least five months pregnant.

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