Chapter 1

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A ninja or shinobi are a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare. Their covert methods of waging irregular warfare were deemed dishonorable and beneath the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat. The shinobi proper, a specially trained group of spies and mercenaries, appeared in the 15th century during the Sengoku period, but antecedents may have existed as early as the 12th century.

In the unrest of the Sengoku period , mercenaries and spies for hire became active in the Iga Province and the adjacent area around the village of Kōga, and it is from the area's clans that much of the knowledge of the ninja is drawn. Following the unification of Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate , the ninja faded into obscurity.

By the time of the Meiji Restoration , the tradition of the shinobi had become a topic of popular imagination and mystery in Japan. Ninjas figured prominently in legend and folklore, where they were associated with legendary abilities which had nothing to do with quirks, such as invisibility, walking on water and control over the natural elements. As a consequence, their perception in popular culture is often based more on such legend and folklore than on the historically accurate spies of the Sengoku period.

Izuku was always a curious child, he loved heroes but couldn't help but got curious about the world of ninjas. Sure he knew they were only myths but that didn't stop his curiosity.

He spent most of his time researching Heroes but every now and then he would research any ninja related history. He wanted to know, every single detail, he dedicated a notebook to them but he couldn't find many things about them.

Currently he was flipping through his notebook labeled 'Shinobi Notes', and found himself being dissapointed with the lack of information.

Hearing the front door open, he walked out his room to greet his mother, only to pause at the sight before him.

His mother stood there looking exhausted and leaning on her shoulder was a half conscious teenager. The teen looked severely bruised and it looked as if he hadn't ate for a few days. His attire consisted of baggy black pants which were tucked in black combat boots, a dark blue long sleeve shirt limply hugged the teens frame. The shirt had two strange spirals on each shoulder. The teen had dirtied bandages wrapped around his hands. The only color that the teen sported that stood out was the green vest which was unzipped.

Before he could ask what was happening his mother rushed past him and settled the stranger on the couch, after removing the lightweight backpack that was hidden from view.

Reassuring that the stranger, was comfortable his mother scurried to the kitchen and began making dinner, Izuku offering his assistance, earning a small smile from the kind woman.

After an hour of preparing the meal they grabbed a tray and place a plate of onigiri, followed by a bowl of cooked octopus and a third plate of soba noodles, they settled a large glass of chocolate milk after Izuku suggested that it would help recover him from fatigue.

Setting the tray down on the cover table, Inko (Izuku's mom) shook the stranger awake, effectively waking him up with a startle. The tall teen immediately sat up only to wince as the pain slapped him at full force.

"W-where am I?" the tall teen stuttered, his voice husky from the lack of use and cracking due to the pain he was feeling.

"Your currently at my house sweetie, I found you collapsed at the park after doing some errands. Did something happen? Do you remember anything?" Inko asked, with her voice dripping with concern.

The stranger frowned clearly confused, "The last thing I remember was finishing my duty and trying to meet up with Kakashi before..... " he trailed off suddenly remembering what happened. Inko frowned slightly and handed the teen the tray of food.

"I won't pressure you to continue, but here eat up to recover your energy"

Muttering his thanks, he grabbed the chopsticks and sniffed it to check for any poisons before gobbling down the food at a fast rate, earning surprised looks from both family members.

Finishing his drink, he put down the tray and looked at the green haired female.

"Where am I exactly?"

Izuku decided to answer that, after putting away the used dishes.

"Y-Your in Musutafu, it's near Tokyo"

The unknown teen looked utterly confused and flash of dread appeared in his eyes before disappearing as quick as it appeared.

"Do you happen to know where Konoha is located?" he asked, as he turned to sit more properly. He was responded with blank faces. Izuku immediately grabbed his phone earning a curious gaze from the older teen.

Messing around with his phone, Izuku quickly entered the maps application and immediately typed the name only to see no results, exiting the app he went to the internet in hopes of locating the place.

The search engines came up with nothing as well, and he glanced at the teen in guilt "I'm sorry but that place doesn't exist"

The nameless teen face dropped, Inko feeling sympathy for the young man who was only one or two years older than her son, invited him to live with them until he got back on his feet.

With reluctance he accepted the offer, but promised to help around the house and maybe pick up a job. Inko rejected the last part saying he should join school like others his age, only for him to immediately shot down the idea.

The nameless teen blinked noticing he hadn't introduced himself, he held out a hand to Inko.

"I should have introduced myself earlier, My name is (M/n), thank you for your hospitality"

Inko smiled brightly, and shook his hand "I'm Midoriya Inko, this is my son Midoriya Izuku, and it's no problem"

Unnoticed to the others to the group, somewhere far away in an office someone slammed thought the doors startling the old man who was in the middle of signing his paperwork. Before the old man can ask what the problem was. The person who bursted through the office stared at him with a panicked expression.

"Hokage-sama....there's a large problem"


What do you think? I spent a lot of effort on this story.  I tried to create a mini comic.

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