Chapter 8

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Upon arriving at the classroom, (M/n) abruptly paused and glanced at the door which loomed over him. 'Seriously why are the doors huge  was their a giant at school? Probably All Might' Sighing he opened the door and made his way to the front of the room where the teacher usually stood. The whole class or the people who were already in there, ignored him believing he was just another student. After a few minutes he saw Izuku was timidly staring into the classroom.

Seriously how does he keep forgetting about Izuku's lack of confidence.

Sadly his attention was taken to the argument happening before him.

"Don't put your feet on the desk! Don't you think that's disrespectful towards your classmates?!" The dark blue haired teen pointed towards Katsuki's leg which was resting on the table top.

The blond sea-urchin teen scoffed in response. "No. As a matter of fact, I don't think so. Which Middle School did you go to anyway, you four-eyed extra" (M/n) was having mixed feelings. He wasn't sure if he should intervene or if he should just continue watching this. Like seriously what was a middle school? Now that he's thinking about it. Aren't the students a tad too old to be in school? He decided to think about that later.

The shinobi watched as Iida placed his right hand on his heart and then gestured towards Mr.explosive-boy as if saying he was proud "A private scho-" He cut himself off and coughed into his hand to throw someone off from what he was saying previously. "I'm from Soumei Junior High School the names Iida Tenya"

(M/n) already knew the response he was expecting, not surprisingly he met a handful of people with short temper.

"Soumei!" Bakugou growled out "Well are you an elite? Seems like I have a reason to fucking end you after al-" (M/n) toned out the rest and glanced at the other students.

Half red-half white, probably two quirks.

Ravenette with large assets, a rich kid.

Spiky red head that he saved. Pausing at the sight, he can see that his hair was dyed to match his eyes.

How can (M/n) tell it was dyed?, simple he knew the history about Uzushigakure, where the Uzumakis once resided, he along with a few shinobi, with one glance could tell whether a person is a true Uzumaki or a fake. 

It was taught to him that if he saw an Uzumaki, he would remain friendly with them and invite them to Konoha.

His thoughts stopped when he saw Iida walked by him, not even noticing him 'I swear to kami, I'm like a ghost right now'

"What nerve! Do you really want to become a hero?!" Katsuki ignored him.

A human version of Pikachu, dulled out his conversation and glanced at the older teen curiously, why was he here? However his eyes followed the direction (M/n) was looking at before realizing that he was looking out for the male who was standing at the door.

(M/n) ignored the staring and focused as the uptight blue haired male held his hand towards Izuku "Hello! I'm Iida Tenya from Soumei-" Izuku interrupted him as he held up his hand,  and nervously spoke back clearly uncomfortable of the four-eyed male.

"Oh yeah.  Haha. I overheard... Uh... I'm Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you Iida Tenya.. " he waved his hands around,  showing that he was terrified, which the bluenette ignored.

"Midoriya,  I must hand it you.  You realized the actual nature of the practical exam,  didn't you?"

He paused and turned his head to the right,  placing his hand on his chest, as if he was in shame "I ...was blind to it,  and I completely misread you! I hate to admit it,  but you were the better man!" Despite his frantic actions,  (M/n) knew as he could see the sweatdrop that Izuku was holding,  that the greenette didn't knew the main purpose of the exam.

' too much drama.  I'm already getting a headache and it's been barely 5 minutes since I entered'

To add onto his upcoming headache he heard Bakugou growled out "Deku". Fortunately the bomber boy made no attempt to move from his seat.

Suddenly, the brown-haired female aka.  'Gravity girl' as (M/n) called her, entered the classroom,  calling out to Izuku "Ah! It's you! The curly haired kid!"

Izuku frozed, "I'm glad you passed! You made it in,  just as Present Mic said!" She cheered, and proceeded to shower the shy green haired teen with compliments.

'When is Aizawa-san Coming?'

Izuku flushed and tried covering his red face in hopes in hiding it from the girl "I-it's n-not L-like that.. Uh.. that's to s-say I-it w-was r-r-really a-all thanks t-to y-you.."

The brunette didn't stop and continued rambling on and on. 

Sniffing the air, (M/n) noticed another scent joined. Glancing behind Izuku and Gravity girl, he spotted a yellow cocoon. Blinking at the sight, he immediately recognized it as Aizawa.

'We're allowed to bring sleeping bags?'

"If you're looking for friends, do it elsewhere." The ravenette's voice seemed tired, which didn't surprised the (H/c) haired male. Aizawa pulled out a juice box from somewhere...."This is the department of Heroics"

Aizawa stood up,  somehow still in his sleeping bag.  The class watched him bewildered.  (M/n) sighed, catching Aizawa's attention who looked at him rather tiredly before turning back to the class.

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down. No villains ever going to give you those eight seconds." He paused a his eyes trailed back to the (e/c) eyed male who was still staring at the class before shifting it to the pro-hero, who looked away,  wanting to avoid those piercing ever-analyzing eyes.

"You all lack common sense"

"He must be a pro-hero too,  huh?" Izuku muttered in slight awe and happiness.

"I'm you homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta , pleased to meet you and that-" he pointed to (M/n) who straighten up in surprise "Is (L/n) (M/n), he's the teacher assistant."

Said teen gave them a short wave.

"Like he said. I'm (L/n) (M/n), I'm the teacher assistant, for classes 1-A, B and C.  Nice to meet you"

The class could only gape on how young the assistant looked.


it's been a long time without you my friends. Please don't kill me. I've been busy with school, and night school. I'm currently in Florida again for a baby shower. Surprise Surprise.

I should do a q+a. I think.
I need to answer questions? I would happy to respond to them.

Enjoy the story!

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