Chapter 11

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Naruto always admired his senpai,  (M/n). He liked the way the older teen would cook for him occasionally, sometimes giving him bentos for lunch. The second thing he liked was the time they spent together. Unlike with the other ninjas,  his senpai praises him, giving him tips for a large number of pranks,  trains him,  and pays for his ramen. He was treated equally despite the 5 year age gap.

Naturally it devastated him,  when he was informed of (M/n)'s disappearance, the sadness lighten a bit when the old man hokage informed him that they received a message that the older shinobi was alright. However he was still upset and it became obvious to his classmates,  as they have noticed the lack of pranks and the absence of his loud voice. 

Iruka understood what the blond was going through, he was extremely close with the missing shinobi. Having been friends, after bumping into each other constantly in the hokage tower.

The rest of the class were restless, in the now quiet classroom.  The only sounds heard withing the walls was Iruka's lessons and pencil scribbling on paper. 

Naruto half paid attention,  his mind occasionally wondering to his senpai's case.  He really hopes he will come back soon. 

When the school day was over,  he immediately tried to flea out the class if it weren't for him being surrounded by curious/annoyed classmates.

"Naruto-baka! Why aren't you saying anything?!" Sakura screeched making a few people wince at the piercing voice.  Naruto opened his mouth in attempt to explain but clicked it shut a few moments later.  Why should he tell them? They don't really care.  They don't know who (M/n) is. The only response the crowd caught was a fleeing blonde.

Sasuke stood at the side watching the scenario. He was curious as well but he had an idea on what's happening,  not that he will admit it.  He noticed how Iruka was distressed as well as some other Shinobis. His idea only solidified when he visited the market he noticed the absence of one shinobi in particular.

Whenever he walked by the market, he always noticed a tall (h/c) haired teen relaxing at a bench, drinking a small carton of orange juice. When that teen was absent a wolf sat on the same bench observing everyone.  He later found out that the wolf was a ninken who worked along that mysterious teenager.

It was either two of them resting at the bench occasionally glancing back at him and nodding to acknowledge his presence. However, as of lately he hadn't seen either of them, and within the time frame of the absence of that teen, he saw Naruto go quiet. Connecting the dots,  he concluded that something happened to the (e/c) eyed teen,  leading to the tense atmosphere within a group of selected people.

Sasuke wasn't really close to (M/n), every now and then he would exchange a few words with the jounin but never formally met.

In Suna, things weren't any different. The civilians all noticed something was off with their Kazekage and Gaara.  Their kage was more distant,  and the village pariah was more out of it. 

When the two of them received the news of the missing nin,  they immediately offered help but were rejected a few weeks later, after the kage received a message that (M/n) was alright,  but far away and trying to find a way back home. It didn't stop them from worrying. They always have struggled with expressing their emotions.  However the (M/n)  always somehow read their moods as if they were open books., they liked the fact that someone didn't need much words to know what they were feeling and not forcing them to use actions or smile more

Orochimaru heard the rumours from Danzo, and didn't know what to think.  (M/n) was a temporary student of his, the only thing the young teen wanted was to learn from him was about poisons. However the Snake Sannin, saw (M/n)'s potential when he barely was a genin. Naturally he became a target,  and would have been a victim to the cursed seal if it weren't for (M/n) ditching him at the their last training session,  just for the sake of getting free food from Kushina,  who offered the young kid a bowl of Ramen, which she was paying for (surprisingly). It made him furious that a potential weapon had managed to escaped his grasp.

The akatsuki were alarmed and furious at the disappearance of a potential new recruit.  Itachi who was one of the few to find out first was shocked, they were somewhat friends during their time in ANBU. Not that (M/n) was willing to become his friend until it was solved with a bribery of free food from Shisui.

Back to (M/n).

The teen watched as everyone squirmed in their chairs and released a small sound of confusion when All might announced something a Indoor Battle thing? Honestly he was confused but he refused to show it,  but remained curious as the students ran out with a metal case.  All Might had informed him earlier, that this activity required the students to wear their costumes to get accustomed to it.  Pleased that he was an assistant,  he followed All Might, glad he didn't need to bother changing out of his outfit.

After waiting for the heroes-in-training to arrive, they all  stood in front of their teachers and (M/n) couldn't stop the sweatdrop from appearing as he noticed the similarities between Izuku's costume and All Might and in response, he took out a familiar orange book. Don't judge him! He hasn't read that book since the entrance ceremony. Cut him some slack.

Leaning on a nearby wall he opened up the book, knowing a few students were watching him,  like most of the time. 

It's not really difficult to find out why their watching him.  I mean he hasn't even stated what exactly his quirk was,  nor did he state anything else about himself besides a few basic info.

Ignoring the stares, (M/n) continued reading the perverted book.  Yes it's perverted, no he's not entirely interested in such things.  He just reads it to kill time.  Naturally he kept the book away from peering eyes,  especially from the students like Mineta, the perverted grape-thing.

With his quirk a mystery, it made everyone curious,  and some just want to outright fight him to know what it is (Bakugou) in other words force him to use his mysterious quirk.

What they don't know it's that he is much more experienced in hand-to-to-hand combat and he's a seal master.  He could temporarily seal away a quirk. It's not surprising since he is a shinobi,  a jounin at that.  He has went on various Suicidal missions, so nothing really fazes him.

Now that he thinks about it I guess that why the foreign shinobi calls him 'The reckless Shinobi'

Back to the present, All Might began drawing out random teams. (M/n) naturally tuned out the whole speech, never really wanting to learn.

His attention was immediately drawn to screen where it showed Izuku and gravity girl entering the building but before he could see what was going to happen he was dragged out the room by Aizawa who didn't bother to explain why he was dragging the taller male.

Honestly he wasn't really sure how he was supposed to do his job when he kept being distracted or dragged away from it. Huffing at this he pulls out a tablet that was handed to him by Nezu earlier and pulled up the cameras recording All Might's class and watched not really caring that he was being dragged at this point.  He watched and managed to get the gist of it. 

The class are broken into teams of twelve, half heroes and half villains. Villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win. If the villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the heroes, they win.

It reminded (M/n) of some missions he received when he was a chunin, the ones where he had to retrieve a scroll from the enemies land. He grimaced when his eyes landed on Izuku and Bakugou. This lesson wouldn't end well but at the same time it reminded him of the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke.

Turning off the tablet he put it away in time as Aizawa opened the door into the teachers lounge. 

'Good Grief.'


Sorry for the late update. I received a message a few days ago and it scared me to continue updating my stories. 

Thanks for being patient and comment down below some suggestions for me. The next update will come in about or weak or less. BYE

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