Chapter 6

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"WHAT IN THE BLOODY WORLD ARE THOSE?! Kami-sama their huge!"

(M/n) screeched in shock and immediately destroyed the robot out of discomfort.
Shaking out of his thoughts he sprinted to another place and proceeded the shout a long stream of profanities and destroyed all the faux villains.  Having chakra has its perks and it immediately balanced the consequences of his quirks.

(M/n) was totally not destroying the faux villains out of fear.  It was more about discomfort. It made him uncomfortable on how the machinery moved.  Feeling an earthquake, the shinobi paused and saw the huge zero pointer.  Pakkun, was napping in his backpack, the lucky bastard. 

"I swear to damn Jashin, If this is a prank I'm gonna kill whoever is behind this....and I should stop bumping into Hidan"

He would have fled if it weren't the fact that he spotted an unconscious red head, laying in a pile of rumble and a pink haired girl limping trying to move out of the faux villain's way.  Immediately using his speed he grabbed the red head, swinging him over his shoulders and grabbing the pinkette before doing the same thing.  He ran far enough to give him time woke the red head up. Waking  up Pakkun, he ordered the small ninken to help them find them a safe way out. Looking back at the faux villain he noticed he was much more closer than before.

'Those things don't work with chakra,  which means it's mechanic. If I can find the core I can stop him' seeing the red eye thingy on the faux villain he got an idea and controlled his quirk before making a somewhat glowing Frisbee which had black streaks going . His eyes glowed slightly and with a full concentrated force he threw the mass and bolted behind a large wall as the attack slammed full force and exploded, successfully destroying the head of the machinery.

The exhibit shocked the teachers who were sweatdropping at his rant. It was surprising he never have heard of robots before.

(M/n) on the other would never want to deal with those... Things ever again. He was relieved he managed to recreate the rasengan with his quirk except, instead of having to run towards the enemy he could just throw the attack like a grenade.

Needless to say by the end of the day he had the highest points, but it wouldn't count since he wasn't aiming to be a hero nor a student. I mean why would he want to enter an academy AGAIN. Two years of the Ninja academy was enough for him. He also didn't want to be a hero.  He doesn't want to one of those people who gain that title for fame and attention. It was a pain.

The only reason he took the exam was out of sheer boredom.  The only thing that Yuuei academy, he was part of was being an assistant teacher for Class 1-A. The principal offered him a job and a place to live. He was going to have to break the news to Izuku and his Mom later in the day.

Glancing over his shoulder, Midoriya was muttering about something, which he chose to ignore,  he wasn't at all interested in knowing anything about heroes. Izuku was seriously deep in thought but that broke when Pakkun decided to jump out of his duffle bag (a gift from Inko) and run to a nearby Bush,  earning a frightened yelp from the green haired teen.

Ignoring Izuku,  the (h/c) haired teen ran after him knowing Pakkun caught a familiar scent.  Looking behind the bush he saw Bull,  another one of Kakashi's ninken.

When Bull saw the familiar face of the shinobi, he was relieved but was confused on where he was. The teen sensing the confusion,  smiled softly and leaned down to whisper a message "Go back to Konoha and tell them I'm alright,  however im currently stuck in a foreign country, its gonna take me awhile to come back. I'm currently working on the seal. Pakkun is gonna go back to kakashi with the finish seal so I can flash home.  Tell them to not worry and I apologize for any inconvenience" Bull nodded and puffed into a column of smoke.

Izuku came rushing behind him.  "YOU HAVE A DOG" he yelled glancing at Pakkun who stared back at him.  "Keep your volume down, kid.  I have sensitive ears" Pakkun stated as he jumped back into the  duffle bag. Facepalming he caught Izuku as he fainted from shock from hearing the out talk.  Glancing at his duffle bag he glared at the pug who tried to look innocent. 

"This is such a pain"


He didn't know what to do.

He didn't knew how to break the news.

The two green haired accepted his excuse on why Pakkun could talk. I mean people have animal like characteristics, why wouldn't animals do it as well. I mean there's the principal of Yuuei. 

In the last minute he decided to suck it up as he stood up and picked up his plate but before he could began to speak.  Izuku beat him to it "How was your pick in finding a job? I mean you weren't gone for long when I was preparing for the exam."

Inko nodded, proving she was listening and was curious as well.   (M/n) couldn't help but glance at Pakkun who was sleeping on his duffle bag.  'He's been sleeping to much lately'

"I got a job,  it pays good but it requires me, to move into a place nearby"

Both Midoriya's froze, which surprisingly went unnoticed by the older teen, due to his back being tuned towards them "Im going to be a teacher's assistant in Yuuei Academy for Class 1-A and for some other classes."

Inko congratulated him forward job and Izuku was excited which wasn't a surprise.

Both helped (M/n) pack his possessions which wasn't really much.

For safety reasons (M/n) had to move into the dorms quickly. Who knows what could have happened if someone were to find out a non hero was teaching at Japan's prestigious hero academy.


Okay, I'll admit that it took me awhile to update. I got distracted.

That and well I have received a new phone and it took me awhile to set it up.

I also had to write up a few emails for my mother. But nevermind my excuses enjoy the story.

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