Chapter 10

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@Akakishi                  5 hours ago
     Please update soon

Here you go. I'm sorry for the late update. I gotten a bit busy at school. I don't have the free time I once had. But here we go! Enjoy!

When the scores came out and Aizawa revealed that the expulsion was a lie to get them more riled up and put their best efforts in. After the drama and whatnot, (M/n) escorted Midoriya to the nurse's room. However, as much as he cared for Midoriya, he never bothered to step into the room since he absolutely hated anything to do with hospitals and doctors.
Absently he wondered if the Hokage was serious about fetching Tsunade every time he gets seriously injured but refuses to get medical attention.

Pulling himself out his thoughts and ignoring the shiver of the strong blond woman, he excused himself from Izuku. He promised the green haired teen that, he'll visit his Mom when he has some time, and headed back to his place. When he arrived he saw a thick envelope in the entrance table. Confused he noticed a strange but familiar scent 'Nedzu was here, I wonder why?' opening the envelope he saw a thick wad of cash with a small note saying.

'(M/n)-san I heard from Aizawa, that you were from a foreign country. I remember you mentioned you used to live with the Midoriya Family, which I can believe you don't have any cash on yourself to spend in Japan. Hope this helps and welcome to Yuuei Academy.' -Nedzu

(M/n) blinked, he was thankful for it of course, it was more than enough, but he doesn't like to be in debt to anyone, but he'll have to deal with it. For now.

Leaving Pakkun on the couch he grabbed a kunai and hid it in his boots 'Better to be prepared' and grabbed his ID card, which allows him to enter Yuuei grounds later.

Locking the door behind him he immediately headed towards the entrance gates, after informing the principal on where he was headed.

Approaching the entrance walls, he saw Izuku leaving with Iida and Uraraka 'he's finally making friends' with a twitch in his lips he continued his way to the nearby mall, only stopping to greet Izuku's group.

When he entered the mall, he was naturally overwhelmed, I mean seriously a large building dedicated for commercial products and other things. Naturally he pushed the feeling to the back of his mind and continued his shopping.

He walked to the nearest shop and mentally calculated the price and he gathered his purchases. Not really wanting to spend much and it was a habit drilled into him by Mrs. Midoriya.
His purchases contained clothes (mostly casual) along with a suit after a hesitating because he also hated formal events (after attending a handful of events or feass with the Hyuga and Uchiha a few times) but since he works at a prestigious school, it would most likely end up with him attending such events.

The other things he bought were shoes (a pair of boots. sandals, dress shoes and some running shoes) along with those purchases he also bought some medical supplies.

Besides attire, he bought a small radio, headphones, paper, ink, a dog bed, some food (mainly snacks), shampoo for both him and Pakkun (he was a tad disappointed about the lack of scent less shampoo for himself and wondered why people were obsessed with the scent of citrus), a leash (which he wouldn't use much, he'll feel guilty for doing that but he has to get it just in case), a couple of books and lastly some dog bowls, including some cream for paws.

Finishing his shopping trip he immediately headed back to his apartment/dorm with heavy arms, not wanting to stay in a crowded building were women began eyeing him. Thankfully, the trip back was fortunately uneventful.

Once arriving, he put away the goods and got ready for bed, he slipped off his current clothes and got in some light sweatpants and a tank top, making sure his weapons were at arms reach. He could feel the restlessness beginning to build up, which frustrated him as he wondered into his room.

'The lack of activity here is frustrating. I'm not used to a peaceful life.'

Yawning he jumped into bed and spent the next few hours tossing and turning. While a day in a hero school could be so tiring mentally it didn't put a dent on his stamina.


(M/n) couldn't help but let his eye twitched in annoyance,being an assistant teacher was a pain, he unconsciously rubbed his ears still hearing a faint ringing caused by Present Mic's loud voice during English lesson. The language was confusing but he was picking it quite quickly.

'The students lack the Will of Fire the old hokage kept talking about. I'm not sure if that's disappointing or maybe they use another tactic here?'

After morning classes, the students all headed to the cafeteria, wanting to get their meals which were cooked by the Cook Hero, Lunch Rush. According to the students the prices of the meals were 'dirt-cheap' when in contrast the food was all high-quality.
At least that's what students say, he never bothered to eat at the cafeteria, instead he always ate from the bento he made or skipped lunch altogether.

Glancing at the now empty classroom, he silently headed to the teachers break room not wanting to draw attention and be pulled into a conversation.

Entering the room,his eyes immediately landed on a sleeping Aizawa and Yamada towering over the sleeping teacher, pestering the poor guy in an attempt to wake him up for a reason.

With a quick swipe, (M/n) snatched his book and walked out before he caught the attention of the energetic blonde.
Making his way outside into the court yard he caught the sound of a large group of people at the entrance which he ignore and sat at the bench which was hidden in the shadows of the trees. Taking out a leather journal from his storage seal in an invisible tattoo on his wrist, he opened up the book and began studying the kanji and seals that can help him return back to the village or anywhere near it.
He opened the journal to the next blank page and began writing down notes and calculations. In a few seconds the once blank page was covered in neat handwriting.

Sighing at the sight he immediately closed the journal, not wanting to stress himself. He was stuck on most transportation seals and wasn't quite certain on how they work. He wasn't really good when it comes to those seals. Paralyzing seals? Sure! Explosion seals? You got it! Transportation seals? Nope.

He stood up wiping away the dust or dirt that might have settled onto his clothing, the ninja walked back to the classroom wanting to be there early before lunch ended.

Unknowing to (M/n), a certain purple haired teen found a scrap of paper that had slipped from his journal, filled with strange writing on it. Curiously the teen pocketed the paper and continued his way to his class. Once the teen arrived, he went straight to his desk and took out the scrap of paper, beginning to study it to decipher the writing only to find that he could only understand one part of it. It was in Kanji, not surprisingly but oddly enough it was the only word he could read but it was simple, nothing exciting.

It was just a kanji for wind.
Authors note: I seriously hate this phone! It won't let me use italics or bold! I hope you could forgive me for this dilemma.

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