Chapter 2

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(M/n) has only been in the new world for a couple of weeks and found himself getting along with Izuku, he guessed it was because the greenette reminded him a lot of a certain blonde friend of his.

After finding out about quirks and how everything is functioned, he found himself being disgusted by how society treats quirkless people. They treat them as if they were useless, as if they were below everyone with a quirk, worthless, they were bullied ....It reminded him what a Jinchūriki had to go through to survive with a large burden being the tailed beasts themselves.

He also absolutely despises how society also discriminate people who were born with 'villainous' quirks. Always bullying them, making them then into what they wanted a villain.

He started noticing these things, when one day he went to pick up Izuku from Middle school. He overheard a conversation between Izuku and 'Kaachan' after he saw Izuku's journal nearly hit his face, the talk made his blood boil. He knew Izuku was quirkless, which surprises him, he honestly thought that his immediate analyzing was his quirk.

"-if you want a quirk so damn badly, just throw yourself off the fucking roof and hope you get one in the next life!"

The (e/c) teen scowled, but he immediately calmed down sensing his chakra spike. He rarely used his chakra (who knows what kind of attention it would attract), only to train with it occasionally to prevent getting rusty and keep his chakra control in a firm grip. He found out after a while, that he had two quirks, and found it easier to use since it was similar to his favorite jutsus only it had more options and it was way better.

Shaking out of his thoughts he grabbed the journal, stopping the koi fish from eating the burnt journal. He dried it up quickly with a swift use of wind chakra.

Around the corner, came a sandy blonde teen with his gang. The blonde was wearing a forever etched scowl on his face, while his 'friends' were praising him for dealing with the 'loser deku' and his plans for joining Yuuei Academy a prestigious academy that teaches the future generation of heroes. The group walked past the shinobi ignoring the older teen completely.

Except for Bakugou, who noticed the teen, but tried to ignore him and dubbed him as another extra. He would have ignored him completely, if it wasn't the air that surrounded the  older teen which captured his undivided attention, the air practically screamed 'Mysterious'.

(M/n) noticed his stare and rolled his eyes deciding to just meet up with Izuku at the back door of the school instead at the gates. Like seriously the blonde's stare was kinda disturbing it reminded him of that Uchiha brat, what was his name again? Sasugay? No wait it's Sasuke.

Walking away he met up with Izuku who was relieved as soon as he saw his journal, dry and safe.


(M/n) immediately dodged as soon the pothole opened with a harsh force making the cover fly nearly hitting his temple, the source of the sudden ambush was a sludge villain who grabbed Izuku, ignoring his presence (which honestly annoyed the older teen). Conflicted, he hesitated for a moment, but when all of a sudden his instincts screamed for him to jump back. Doing so he managed to avoid a large pressure of wind, which defeated the villain and knocked out the greenette. Glancing at culprit he saw an overly muscular huge blonde guy wearing a skin tight white shirt and green combat pants.

Said man was pleased at his 'heroic deed' and turned to (M/n).

"Young Man," The blonde addressed him formally. "You're alright, I'm assuming?" Hesitating, the shinobi nodded slowly. Mentally (M/n) was sulking, he wasn't a weak civilian, he knew how to protect himself, but he had to keep low and not to mention the fact that the blonde hero is a Hero, like seriously all he wanted was a simple life until he gets back home.

"I'm fine, however you did knock out Izuku, he is the only one who has access to the key" (M/n) bluntly stated as poked the younger teen with a slight twitch on his lips. All might glanced at the unconscious teen and simply sat down, receiving a confused noise from the (h/c) haired teen.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm waiting for Young Izuku to wake up"

"His name is Midoriya Izuku"

"I see, Young Midoriya, then"

"If you mean his surname then yes"

(M/n) couldn't help but glance at All Might even once in a while, the hero noticing the small action, also grew curious on why the teenager was not wearing a uniform while the other was, instead the teen wore pants similar to his only in black, a sleeveless hooded shirt and some combat boots.

"Young man, what's your name?"

(M/n) hesitated, he didn't know who the stranger was and it irked him that the blonde was taller than him, but gave up and introduced himself, I mean what's the harm, it's not like they can find him once he gets back home.

"My name is (M/n), (L/n) (M/n), just call me by my first name, nice to meet you... um?" the shinobi trailed off, he knew the giant blonde was a hero, tho he reminded him of Might Guy except, guy had a black bowl cut hairstyle that definitely did not include bunny-ears-like bangs.

All might on the other hand was surprised, he never met anyone who hasn't heard of him. Almost everyone knew him as the symbol of peace but the boy in front of him had clearly never heard of him.

"I see..... Young (M/n) come take a seat, I'm All Might" All might patted the space next to him. (M/n) rose an eyebrow, and glanced at the green haired male who was still out cold 'Hurry and wake up, Izuku'

"Why don't you wake Izuku up? I mean heroes do know basic first aid, right?" The shinobi stated not wanting to approach the stranger, he was already getting tired of chatting.

"I didn't think of that-" before he could finish his sentence, he puffed into smoke, which revealed a thinner, smaller version of all might. The blonde began to panic as he coughed blood.

The younger male, let his eyes widen but it immediately fell into an thoughtful look. 'All Might's true form...... I shouldn't call it Small Might, but it fits'

(M/n) immediately spoke up, interrupting the Hero's chance you talk. "I have feeling you don't want me to tell anyone, not like I can, I don't have any friends here besides Izuku and his Mom"

All might hesitated and looked at him with a suspicious glare, earning a sigh and the teen handed him a handkerchief. " I won't tell them either, Anyways are you okay though? You're coughing up blood" He said as he glanced at the puddle that was forming before him. How long has it been since he saw blood? 

"I see,  Oh yes! I'm certainly well-" The blonde coughed out more blood. (M/n) deadpanned, not really believing it. 

"I'm finding that hard to believe....Whats your name? Your actual name?"

All might hesitated, before replying "Yagi Toshinori"

(M/n) nodded and stepped towards his friend,  he already had a long nap, but paused when he saw All might  tapping at Izuku's face in his muscled form.

'I wonder what kind of food is offered in this city'


The fact that I'm just laying here in bed instead of updating my stories just somewhat describes a piece of my personality.

Follow me on instagram @food4lifeplz

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