Earlier That Day

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Lorie was nervous, her body began to tremble, and she began to sweat, so many thoughts were running through her mind. What if I make a fool out of myself or what if James's wife isn't okay with this... oh my god, what if she comes and kills me!

Just then Oliver appeared behind her and asked if she needed anything to calm her nerves down.

"Is there any way you can bring me a joint? She half smiled while Oliver was taken back by her request. He smiled back at her and left, within minutes he got back to her with a joint in hand.

"Don't ask where I've got it from, just be glad I found one." He handed her the joint with a lighter and escorted her outside to smoke it. After smoking a little more than half the joint she started to feel good and relaxed, which was all she wanted.

"You can stay here and finish the rest of it if you'd like. Thank you so much Ollie, I owe you big time." She ran to go brush her teeth to take the smokey breath away and also to freshen up her scent. Lorie didn't want to smell like smoke in front of James. As she made her way to the dressing room she past by a long mirror and looked at her eyes, they were bloodshot red! It looked as if she had been holding in a good cry. She passed by a makeup artist and asked for eye drops. He pointed her the room to go into. Looking around the table of makeup she finally found them.

Once the eyedrops had done their magic she went straight to her room still trying to freshen up. As she arrived she took a good deep breath while looking at herself in the mirror. She picked up her Dolce & Gabbana perfume which she adored and sprayed herself twice. Now it was officially time to go record with the one and only James Hetfield.

After talking with Oliver, John and James it was time to actually start the recording process.

Lorie was so relaxed this time, she made her way to the long black table and poured up whiskey in two short cups.

James was so mesmerized by Lorie, the way he looked at her was if she was the first woman he had ever laid eyes on. Lorie was walking towards James one leg in front of the other revealing her smooth legs one at a time. She was taking sips out of her cup as she continued to walk to James. Lorie was looking at him without a doubt, gazing right through his ocean blue eyes. She then extended her hand, "Take it, it'll calm your nerves." She giggled while still drinking.

"No, I shouldn't. I haven't had touched it in almost two decades." He refused. Lorie frowned a bit, then looked up at him, "For me? Please?" She handed it back, "It's not like I roofied it or anything, I promise." Some of the crew members laughed at what she said and the began to encourage James to drink it. The glass was a little bit less than what Lorie had poured herself.

James took a deep breath in and exhaled with a nervous laugh, then he rose his eyebrow high and drowned the whiskey before their eyes. He hissed, "Ouch, what was that?" Oliver laugh and yelled, "Jack!"

"How do you feel now James?" Lorie asked while she stroked her robe over chest, she gave him a look full of lust and desire.

This is wrong dude, stop flirting with the man! He's married, has kids and his own career, don't ruin in for him. She immediately stopped touching her chest and started walking towards the bed.

James Hetfield- Whiskey In the JarWhere stories live. Discover now