Party Pt.2

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The party was going great! Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, some more than others. People started to get drunk and some were passing out being sloppy everywhere.
"We should probably go back out there, people are going to wonder where you went." Lorie told James as she held him tight, playing with his hair.
"I want them to leave so you can stay." He replied. "We agreed that I wouldn't stay today to avoid any suspicion incase someone stays behind."
"We've been gone for a while now, let them suspect what they want!" James said as he hugged Lorie real tight. After another 5 minutes of cuddling they got dressed and headed out. James went out first and pretended to be pissed and then Lorie came out and was wiping her face, like if she'd been crying.
"Is everything okay?" Said the creepy guy. This caught Lorie off guard, she decided to change the subject. "I'm fine, I didn't get your name last time... um?"
"Richard, Richard Fischer. I am CEO of the production company that helped you make all of this happen." He sounded less creepy and more professional. He was tall, big, bald and had the smallest green eyes. But the professionalism didn't last long, when he started brushing her hair away from her face. "My, you are very beautiful Lorie, James is a lucky bastard to have felt you up in the video." She looked away, pleading for help in her eyes. "Stop touching my hair." She said. He laughed. "Or what?" He quickly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close to kiss her!
"HEY! Get your hands off of her!" Oliver yelled from across the hall. He started running towards her. Lorie turned and was able to push Richard off of her. What the fuck?! James turned around when he heard Oliver yell.
"Hey James, you should call security." Kirk told James as he was also running towards Lorie. James pulled Kirk back and told him to dial, he went to Lorie's aid. "Hey... can you get to the middle of the house..." Kirk's voice was lost in seconds. James' face turned red, his ears were smoking and his stomping was loud.
"Listen man, get out of here before something else gets out of hand!" Oliver was trying to keep his cool and then he saw James. "Can you please take her to a room to calm her down, I think she's having an anxiety attack." No time, James moved Oliver and Lorie over to a table. Richard started talking, "C'mon James, don't tell me you've got a thing for this tramp!?" He yelled, "Everyone here knows about the pictures of her, and now about the way she loves to get naked in front of a camera. Hahaha, a hoe will always be a hoe!" James lost all control and punched Richard right in the face.
"Get the fuck out of my house! If I ever see or hear you talk to or about Lorie OR even look at her, I will kill you! You understand?!" When he finished his security team came and took Richard away. "You'll regret what you said to me Jamie. Threaten me and pay the consequences. Don't touch me." He told one of the security guys.
"Fuck you!" James said.
"What is going on?!" A woman's voice, so shocked, made James not want to turn around. "Francesca?" James whispered. There was a long and silent pause. "I came to check up on you, and so we can talk but I can see that now is not a good time." She looked all around the house, the drinks and the people. In a sea of people she saw Lorie, who was being calmed down by Oliver and Kirk. Francesca quickly fast walked her way to her and slapped her across the face. "You home wrecker!" SLAP! Another one on her left cheek, this one with some nails that made her nose bleed. "I hope you're happy about what you did to me!" Her hand went up in the air again only this time James was able to grab her wrist. "I think you should go Fran." James' grip on her wrist made Francesca's eyes widen.
"No," Lorie said fighting back tears, "let her. Let her go." Rob, Kirk and Lars were in back of Lorie and one of them handed her a tissue. "If she wants to beat me up, let her. If she wants to scream and spit in my face let her. Let her do whatever she wants."
"It's not your fault." Lars whispered to her. Lorie didn't want to expose anything, she simply nodded and walked out. As she got to the door she heard whispers and gossip in so many voices. One hand on the knob and she couldn't breathe anymore. Soon after she stepped out the door she gasped for air and cried. Her feelings and emotions were everywhere, she ran to her car not remembering where she left it. When she got to the middle of the parking lot she tripped and scraped her knee. Her leg soon felt a warm stream coming from her knee, "Fuck!!" She yelled into the night, "Why?! God what the fuck!" She got up and heard her keys jingle in her pocket, she pulled them out and pressed the panic button. Ironic isn't it. She thought to herself. One good thing that happened was that her car was in front of her where she fell. After unlocking her car she got on and cried more while holding the wheel.
"LORIE!" A man yelled out to the night. She quickly reacted and turned her car on. "Wait please!" It was Oliver. "Let me take you home, you're in no position to drive." He got her out of the passengers side and drove her home.

James Hetfield- Whiskey In the JarWhere stories live. Discover now