The Dinner

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Oh, fuck. Lorie thought to herself in James' room. It's the guys! Why are they here?! She stayed quiet for a few minutes and then James walks in.
"What are they doing here!?" She whispered loudly. "Did they see me?"
"No, they didn't. Please calm down." James tried to brush her hair to calm down. "It's gunna be fine, they're just gunna change and leave." James assures her. "Okay, well I hope they don't take long." She said calmly.
It was 10 mins later and the guys had left. Lorie and James showered and he dropped her off at dinner and then he arrived 15 mins after she did. Everything was normal and they all enjoyed drinks all night, even James.
"Cheers to the whole team! And a special thank you to Lorie, I'm sorry I had my doubts about you. At the end you came out strong and I am forever grateful to have met you." Lars did the first toast. James got up next.
"Uh, I'm not good at this," he laughed, "but, um i just want to say Lorie that if it wasn't because of you..." the room grew silent, "uuhm.. we wouldn't all be out here together tonight and I wouldn't have been able to have a drink." He's thinking about his divorce. She thought to herself. "Well, thank you all for welcoming me into the group even if it was just for a couple months, I know there was struggles along the way, but hey, here we all are. Also thank you all for not giving up on me. I really look forward to future projects with y'all." Everyone clapped and cheered.
After many shots and beers being brought to them, Chloe and Rob decided to call it a night.
Look at her drinking all of that and her words don't even slur. Must be nice. James thought to himself looking at Lorie. She noticed and decided to go use the restroom. "I'm gunna go, I'll be right back."
I see you staring at me babe, you like what you see? -Lorie
How can I not, you look at me with eyes of desire and I can't wait to take you home. -James
~12:00 a.m
"Goodnight y'all!" Lorie waved at everyone as they left, she waited outside for about 5 mins and then a blacked out, low rider came to pick her up.
"Hello beautiful." James turned to her and kissed her. "Well hello, mister I don't do well in speeches." She teased him. "I'm sorry," he began, "what I wanted to say is, "you make me the happiest man on this planet and i wouldn't be here with you if I hadn't taken a chance at destiny. I still firmly believe you were brought to me because I have never felt a connection the way I do with you, when you call me or text me I just get so excited. When you laugh at my dad jokes it makes me feel good, the way you make me laugh makes me love you." He turned over to Lorie, where she was looking down and was crying. "I'm sorry babe, was that too much?" James asked her pulling over. "No, it was just perfect." She said as she reached over to kiss him.

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