Good Morning

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As the sun rose, Lorie and James were cuddled in bed, his big arms around her small waist and her arms around his neck. His head was resting on her chest while hers was on top of his hair. The whole night was full of luscious sex and they put all worries aside, not thinking about the consequences, just focusing on themselves. At around 9:30 A.M. James' phone rang, it was on vibrate mode. He got up slowly not wanting to move Lorie out of her sleep. He let his phone ring until it stopped, he sat bedside admiring the view. Last night was like nothing I've ever done. This was his only thought as he saw her. She had a tense and worried face while she slept, I wonder what she's dreaming. His phone rang again and this time it seemed to snap him out of his thoughts, it was his wife. "Hello?"

"HELLO?! Hello!? Is that all you can say to me James?!" Francesca yelled. "Honey, I'm sorry, I had a really rough day at work and didn't want to let my anger out on any of you." This was all he could think to say. "I'm not going to argue with you over the phone James, not this time. Where are you? Did you stay at a hotel or your apartment?" "I'm at the old apartment, I'll be heading home in a couple hours, I'm going to get breakfast with the guys, John, Steve and Lorie." He said, "I'll be in Colorado soon. I'm sorry I worried you."

"Alright James, just please next time answer your phone." "I will, love ya, bye."

"I'm so sorry James." Lorie had woken up with tears in her eyes, she got up quickly and changed as fast as she could. "No no no no no, don't be sorry. For anything, I don't regret anything that happened." James quickly ran up to her to hold her. "I got so lost in the moment with you James," she said crying, "and now I feel so dirty. I didn't think about your wife, I'm so selfish!" Her tears were coming down quick. "I don't think we could do this anymore, not again." They moved apart, and James looked confused. "What do you mean? Sex?"

"Anything, not sex, no video, no breakfast." Lorie didn't dare look at James. "I have to go home now, I'm sorry." She started walking away, picking up her backpack and her sweater. "Please don't leave me Lorie." James' voice cracked, "You have no idea how I feel right about now."

"I don't know James, guilty?" She said looking at the door, her hand right on the knob. "Complete."

Hearing this come from him felt so right yet so wrong to her. "Is it just because I remind you of Anaya, cause if it is, then, I'm not worth it. I'm not her."

"It's not because of her, or because you're younger or because of your looks! It's because ever since I saw you walk through those doors with John, I felt an immediate connection with you. I don't even know how or why, but all I know is that I want to be with you." He came from behind her and hugged her tight, trying to move her away from the door. "Please tell me you'll wait for me." He whispered in her ear.

James Hetfield- Whiskey In the JarWhere stories live. Discover now