Let's Talk

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"Let's go inside then." She opened her door, stepped inside and James walked in right behind her. Lorie turned on her living room light and proceeded to tell him.
"Have a seat James." She pointed at her black leather couches, James, looking at the dry blood on her nose proceeded to sit down while she went to grab a napkin to clean herself off. She wouldn't say anything and James was growing worried that she was mad at him.
"You have an amazing apartment Lorie, truly a work of art." James tried to break the ice. She still didn't look up at him or anywhere near him. She kept going on cleaning her face and then walked to her living room closet for a first aid kit. She took her boots off only to reveal her bloody knee.
"Please let me help you." James insisted. He got up the couch and fast walked to her aid. "None of this would've happened if I had just stayed closer to you." He grabbed her leg and took the rubbing alcohol pad she had in her hand away from her. He patted it down slowly and carefully on her knee. "Ssss.." she grounded. "I'm sorry sweetie." James said in a lowered and sad tone. He finished cleaning her wound and took a couple bandaids to finish up.
"Come on, sit with me so we can talk. Do you want some water?" He asked. She shook her head no.
"Can we please speedy this up, I have to get some rest after tonight." James' heart sunk at the sound of her sadness. The look of her face a bit bruised up still with some blood she missed on her nose.
He got up from his seat and got down on both knees. As he did this he grabbed Lorie by her left hand and was staring deep into her eyes. "I don't care what anyone says or thinks or anything, I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my years on this fucked up planet. Listen I've said it before and I'll say it again; the minute you walked through those doors I lost it. I couldn't talk or walk- I just didn't function right. There's nothing, no amount of money, fame, fortune or anything nor anyone that will change the way I feel about you. You're a breath of fresh air. Jesus Christ I wish I could've met you years ago! I wish you were my life partner. I wish I could be able to take you back in time so you could be with me since the beginning. So I wouldn't miss a single minute of your presence."
"James... I just... don't know anymore."
"Please, stay with me."
"I was having an amazing time with you, sneaking around, sleeping over, talking for hours on the phone and taking pictures together." She sighed. "But I have to think about who I'm hurting also." James was puzzled. "If it's about Francesca, you really don't have to worry about her."
Lorie rolled her eyes and said, "She might as well have broken my nose from that slap she gave me. James I don't want any more problems. And I could be your biggest one, I don't want to ruin your life more than I have already."
"The thing is, that you have gave me purpose again. I haven't had this much fun recording, singing, performing or just enjoying life in general in a long time. To be honest I've gone deep into a slump hole for a while and I've been so happy these last couple of months. There's nothing that has made me lose my patience. And do you know why?"
Lorie shook her head no. "Because you bring so much joy into my world, hell I've even caught myself thinking of love songs! I never do that!" They both giggled and James picked her up from the couch as he got up. He grabbed another wipe from the first aid kit and started cleaning her nose. "I would do anything for you babe, I'll protect you at any and all cause." She pointed at her nose. "Heh, starting now, and it doesn't count. I couldn't stop her when I was trying to fight that punk ass CEO."
"I agree that that man deserved to be punched in the face." Lorie teased.
"So, will you continue to be with me?" James picked up her face with his index finger.
"Only if you're super sure about this. Like I said, I don't want to be a burden in your life." With her answer James kisses Lorie and pulls her in close to him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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