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Skylar’s POV
Chapter 5

    I got to go to set with mom and dad. I usually always go but I was more thankful to go today because this way I can’t be blamed for anything. We were on set and I seen Ian. “IAN!” I yelled for him he hates whenever I get loud.

“Hey. It’s a little early for you to be this loud don't ya think?” He said in his scottish accent.

“Yeah I know but Liz isn’t here yet.” I said mocking his accent.

“Your accent is getting better still better than your moms.” He said and the mention of my mom instantly made me roll my eyes.

“Wow what's up with the sass.” Henry said walking by catching the eye roll.

“Can we not talk about my parents. They have annoyed me to my greatest length.” I said not caring if they walked past me at any moment.

“Why what happened?  Not giving you enough attention.” Henry asked and I shook my head.

“You’ve heard the new show Riverdale right?” I asked and they shook their heads no. “Right neither of you have kids. Anyways mom and dad have friends that live down here. They have a little 9 year old and for some reason she doesn't like me. First day there she purposely slammed a barbie car door on her finger and started bawling her eyes out saying I did it.” I said

“Those things are literally made out of plastic. It wouldn’t even have been able to tear some skin.” Ian said

“That what I said! Anyway they told me to apologize but I didn’t cause I didn't do it. Then later that night she flings herself across the room and acts like I pushed her and once again they didn’t believe me and I got grounded. That girl is literally physcotic I did nothing to her. And when I left I seen her staring dangers into the back of my head.” I explained.

“That doesn’t even sound like something you would do. You are literally the friendliest person ever. You could play with a 5 year old and be content.” Henry said.

“Exactly. I literally lived in a place where all the kids did was make fun of me and bully me. Why would I do it to someone else. That doesn’t even make sense. But they’d much rather listen to some kid than their own kid makes sense.” I said and sat on the couch outside of all the dressing room.

“It’s too cold outside for you to just be sitting out here like this go in the dressing room.”

“I’m not talking to my parents and if I have the choice I rather not be in the same room as them. I’m waiting for Elizabeth to come. Anyone know her call time?” I said

“She isn’t filming today.” Ian said and I sighed.

“You can come into my dressing room people hardly go in their anyway.” He said and I went and did school in his dressing room. I got out occasionally to grab a snack but I avoiding all contact with my parents. I was even talking to Jeff once in a while but that was all.


We finally came home from set and I could tell something was bothering mom.

“Henry told us what you said today did you really not do those things?” She asked and I scoffed and I grabbed my bag and left the car. Wow so when I say it I’m lying but lord behold if someone else says something it’s the truth. I actually can’t right now.

“Skylar she’s talking to you.” Dad said in a stern voice.

“Why does it matter? Because all that’s gonna happen is I’m going to walk into that house and she’s gonna frame me for something else again and I’m gonna get grounded. You can’t listen to Henry and Lydia when they say things and then when I say it dismiss it like i’, not telling the truth. So to answer your question no I did not do those things. I thought it was obvious when I told you I didn’t but you know you punished me anyways."

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