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Skylar's POV

Chapter 7

I weirdly had a semi good time with Lydia. It was weird but nice I guess. It was time to go to bed and both of my parents came into the room.

"Hey Sky." Dad said

"So Luke and I have been talking." Mom started

"I would you've been talking that would be awkward otherwise." I joked

"No seriously and we thought about what you said before we came here." Dad said and I started getting excited.

"Camila and Charles said there is a pretty good Charter school not to far from here for K-12. Really good education. Since Riverdale season 3 is almost wrapped we thought you and Lydia could go to school." Mom said

"It's not completely public there is a special test you have to take to get in but we believe this would be good for you." Dad said and I was smiling really big

"Your serious right this isn't some twisted prank?" I said and they shook there heads and I ran up and hug them. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I said


"She's finally coming around to the idea of putting me in public school Nat." I said. Natalia had some time off her scene so she was helping me with my spanish.

"Even if you have to with Lydia." She said.

"It doesn't bother me too much. She's finally coming around to this whole be nice thing you know." I said.

"Does this mean I can't be your spanish teacher anymore?" She asked and I shook my head laughing.

"You are literally the best spanish teacher ever. Plus who else is going to help me with these bullies. Your a legit bad ass and not just in the show like mom or Ming. If I bring you they'll shut up real fast." I said and she laughed.

"Okay back to the lesson." She said seriously.


After my spanish lesson that was the last of my school I had to do so I decided to hang out with crew and watch the scenes happen.

"Where are you going?" Lydia asked.

"Oh just heading to watch them film." I said

"Your allowed to do that?" She asked and I nodded,

"Yeah. They usually don't mind as long as your quiet." I said. "You can come if you want." I said and she nodded. We went inside the building and we sat in Clarks chair.

"Umm i'm pretty sure the director sits here." He said teasing but Lydia still got off.

"I know that;s why I'm here. I'm the best director there is." He laughed and walked away. I was able to "direct" one of the scenes last season but with my creative ability the scene turned out great.

"Why didn't you get up he's the director." Lydia asked.

"Guest director he's another cast mate. He's cool he probably just went to get another chair. No biggie." I said and they started the scene. It was great and emotional until Lydia sneezed and it was pretty loud. 

"Sorry." She said and everyone just laughed which made her turn so red. It was hilarious.

"Why didn't they get mad?" She said on our way home.

"Cause they are super chill and aren't on a time crunch." I told her

"Yeah plus we were kinda adlibing the lines so we would have a reshoot anyways." Mom said and she just shook her head,

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