moving on

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2 months later


Alexias pov

me and cameron have been getting by. cameron got a job to make shure that we will have enough for food and bills and things. he refused to let work as well so..... ya.✌

It's going good with Taylor. he's actually over right now. his phone was on the nightstand and he was downstairs hanging with Cameron. he had a voicemail from one of the people I never wanted to hear from again. I opened it and played it. I had tears in my eyes towards the end. and crying after it was over. it said....

Hey babe please call me back...... I really miss you and I love you. oh and when are you gonna break up with that stupid girl Alexia? anyway love you bye.

I was heart broken.

I walked downstairs and slapped Taylor in the face. he fell down and got back up "what the heck?" He said. I pulled out his phone and played the voicemail over again. by the end his eyes were wide and his face was white. I yelled In his face "LEAVE!!!" And he left slowly but surely. I walked upstairs, slamming my bedroom door and locking it. I walked into my bathroom and found my little razor friend.

I put it on my wrist and scraped it has hard and fast as I could. I felt the warm blood drip down my arm.

1 - for my mom

2- for my dad

3- for Taylor and his cheating self

I put my razor away. I soaked the blood off the floor and my arm. I bandaged it and went downstairs to get something to eat.


three weeks later


We were all in my backyard talking in front of a bonfire that we made.

Nash - I hope you don't mind but I invited Taylor.

Me- of course not. I said sarcastically.

and with that Taylor started walking up to us. he finally got to us.

Taylor- I hope yall don't mind but I invited a guest to our little party.

then the girl that I said I never wanted to see again walked up kissed Taylor full out on the lips for like 5 seconds. in that time, I stood up and slowly walked back a step with A scared look on my face. Everybody looked at me in confusion. Taylor and Ashley stopped kissing and looked up at me. " where ya going?" Ashley asked. I walked back a couple more steps and then turned around and ran.

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