Chapter 2

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(Third POV)

"Yujiiin Kajaaaa" Yena shouted excitedly.
"Yah duck whats with shout?"

"Yujin! It's really heeeer!"

"I know" yujin reply.
"You know but you didnt tell me" Yena pouts.
"Because you're a dummmb duck" yujin laugh. Yena is still pouting.
"Lets go to school! The rain is about to fall" Yujin said with a big smile.

*At school*

(Yena's POV)

Everyone is settled down in their sits.
I enter the classroom and find yuri but she was nowhere to found.
'Eodi ya joyul?' i question my self. then i sit beside this girl calls goeun. I think shes pretty but not as pretty as my joyul.

"Goeun, Did you see Joyul?" I ask her.
"Who's Joyul?"
"I mean Yuri, Jo yuri" I nervously laugh.
"I dont know where that loser" Goeun said, and it makes me upset. why would she call joyul loser? aish.

Mr. Park is entered the room. but still there's no Jo yuri besides me.

after 10mins we heard a knock on the door, I look at the door its yuri, she's kinda wet, maybe because of the rain. aissh 'Doesn't she have an umbrella'

"Sorry I'm late" She bows.
"Its okay go to your sit" I saw her making her way towards sa empty sit at the back.
I cant take my eyes of her, then i saw her shivering because she is wet.

'I couldn't take it anymore' I stand then go to her. i see her raising her head to meet my eyes then I touch her forehead. She's literally burning.

"Mr. Park" I shouted.
"Yes Ms. Choi" he reply.
"Ms. Jo is burning, Can i accompany her to the clinic?" I politely ask mr park.

"Ani. Im not burning. I can handle myself." I heard her objecting. I frowned.

"Yah! Joyul-"
"You dont need to do this" She said coldly.
"Aish please. you're burning, what if you faint." I said.
"Aniy-" Then I saw her fainted.
"Yah Jo yuri!" I panicked. then I remove my jacket then I carry her bridal style. she's unconsious.

(Third POV)

Everyone in the classroom is shocked when yena carry yuri.

"Aissh this Loser is getting to my nerve Ugggh" Goeun said.

"I think yuri faking it so yena would carry her" Yunjin said.
"I saw her yesterday with yena and she hugged her" Yunjin added.

"I think so. What a fucking slut" Kaeun said.

"WHAT? Get ready yuri. You're dead! Choi Yena is mine." Goeun said angrily.

"Omy. Choi Yena is so gentle, Poor yuri i cant help her, I wanted to help her but im scared too." Girl 1 said.
"Me too, but i think goeun is upset. Im curious of what she will do to yuri." girl 2.

"But Choi Yena is so handsome when she carries yuri, like i want to faint too, so that she could carry me" girl 3 said.

"In your dreams, Goeun will kill you." Girl 1&2 said at the same time, and they laugh.


*At the clinic*

(Yuri's POV)

I open my eyes and see that im on a bed.
I just realize that I am laying at the clinic's bedroom.
I roamed around the bed and see someone is sleeping.

'Stupid duck.' I smiled upon seeing her sleeping. She moves and rub her eyes.

'Cute' what am I thinking. I scold myself.

"Joyul~" I saw her calling me with a smile.
I cant help but to smile a little bit but i shouldn't smile.
"How long have you been awake? You should wake me up" She pouts. Dont pout you duck.
"Just a couple of minutes. I dont want to disturb your sleep" I said then she lean and stretch her arms towards my forehead.
"You're still burning" She said with a worried tone.
"Im okay, You should go home now" I said to her.
"Nope. I will get you home first before i go home" She smiled
"You dont have to, i can handle this"
"Its a no for me, No donts no buts, Im going to get you home period." She smile widely.
"But—" I oppose
"Nope I can't heaaar youu" She cover her ears. 'You never change still the dork dumb duck after all but i hate you' I pout.

"Ms. Jo, You're okay to go home now, please take this medicine" the nurse said.

"Nae kamsa" I bow and bid a goodbye.

(Third POV)

Yena take yuri home safely.

"Yah Joyul~" Yena said.
"Wae?" yuri response.
"Take care of yourself, eat your medicines, and lastly.." Yena paused.
"What?" Yuri seems confused.
"I'll be here at 7 no buts, and Goodnight Joyul~" Yena smiled then leave yuri hanging.
"Yah Choi-" Yuri smiled
"She's still the dork that I used to like" Yuri says to herself while smilling.

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