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(Third POV)

Yena and their friends enjoy the rest of the day being together. They watch and play.

Yena and yuri bid a goodbye to their friends.

"Wifey!" Yena calls her girlfriend, yuri lower her head to hide her birning cheeks.

"Eyy! Is my wife is blushing?" The oldergirl continue to tease the younger girl.

"Okay okay i'll stop" Yena said and put her arms around her girfriend shoulder and the younger girl put her arms around yena's waist.

"Let's go to the nearest park?" Yuri suggested.
Yena nodded.

They walked to the nearest park and they seated next to each other.

"Why do you want to go here?" Yena asks her girlfriend who is smiling to her.

"I don't want to go home yet, I want to be with you a little longer" Then she cling onto her girlfriend that made the older girl chuckles.

"Oh Jjoyuul being clingy huh." Yuri place her head on yena's neck and sniff her perfume.

"I want us to be like this forever" The younger girl said, Yena feel like there is something wrong.

"Hey~ Is there something wrong?" Yena looks at yuri with a worried look.

"No, its nothing. It just came to my mind.. What if one day you don't want me anymore, what if one day you dont need me anymore, what if one day you don't lo—" Yuri was cut off when the pair of her girlfriend lips are on her.

The older girl held the younger girl neck and she start moving her lips. At first yuri was confuse on what should she do but later she able to come over to yena's pace. They share a passionate kiss, Their heartbeat is beating so fast like it gone crazy.

They broke the kiss because they need air. Yuri was lowering her head for what happen because her cheeks is burning again but yena lift it up and looks into her girlfriend's eyes.

"Don't think like that jjoyul ah~ You know I love you so much and even if that day would come, I'll be reminding myself about how precious you are. I love you, I want you and I need you in my life so don't think of that okay?" Yena smile as she kiss yuri's forehead for the sign of sincerity on the other hand yuri nodded and smile to her loving girlfriend.

"That was a great kiss I ever had by the way" Yena teases her girlfriend again which she earn a pinch from her. They decided to go home because its kind a late.


Today is the 3rd day of Intramurals where the big events are Ms. Intramural and the basketball championship. Yujin's group won and make it to the finals.

"Hey duck, are you ready for todaaaay's final?" Yujin said that make yena chuckles.

"Yea totally excited. I think we did a great game  you know." Yujin nodded.

"Yea, coz hitomi did a really great job, running for MVP" Yujin teases and poke hitomi's cheeks whick she earn a glare from her.

"Dont ever poke my cheeks" Hitomi glared at her.

"Noooppe" Again yujin pokes hitomi's cheek and run away she was chase by hitomi. Yena could just shake her head for her bestfriend childishness.

"Ouch" A girl said while laying on the ground.

"Omg I'm so sorry" Yujin stand up and help the girl who she bump in.

"It's okay, Look on the way when you are running" The girl said and smile to yujin. Yujin looks at the girl she bump and she completely lost when the girl smile at her. The girl she bump walks away.

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