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1 week had passed, It's the day of Yuri and Yena's DATE to Lotte World.

(Yuri's POV)

I was frustrated of what to wear since yesterday. I was back and fourth on my closet to the mirror to see if the clothe i'll be wearing is good.

'Why am i getting frustrated its just a friendly date with yena' I roll on my bed and stomp my feet onto the air.


From: Duckyena💘

See you lateeer jjoyul, I'm going to pick you up! See you at 10am ☺️

To: Duckyena💘
See you later yena ah~ ☺️

I reply to her and I immediately take a shower.

(Yena's POV)

"What a nice morning!" I said as my smile wont fading away.

"What's with the face ducky?" I heard my brother said.

"You seems on a goodmood today?" He chuckles.

"Why? Can't i be happy?" I pouted.

"Ah oppa. I'm going to borrow your car" I said to him.

"Andwae!" I look at him while pouting.

"Whyyyyyy? Why can't i borrow your car?" Im giving him a look PLEASE-LET-ME-BORROW-YOUR-CAR

"Don't give me that look" I walk towards him and embrace him.

"Pleaseee let meee borrooow yyyoouurrr ccaarr jjuusst foor todaaay" I aegyo, I know that she can't resist me.

"Aiggoo. Okay okay! Just don't scratch my baby okay?" My brother gives up and i give him a big hug.


"Goodluck to your datee duckyy! and please don't do 'it' on my car." He tease me.

"Yah stop your dirty mind, yah go out! I'm going to take a shower" I shoo him away.

"Plus don't do 'it' without protection" He laughs, He run towards the door and close it before I catch him.

"Aishh What a pervert guy, even if im doing 'it', I'm going to do it in a romantic way not just in the car." I automatically realize what I said.

"Yah Choi yena youre just going to have a date with yuri what are you thinking" I scold myself

"Maybe I should text her" I pick my phone on the bed.

To: Joyuuul💘
See you later jjoyul~ ☺️

After i text her , I way straight to the shower room.


I'm already good with my clothes. I wear a plain shirt the sleeves are just on my elbow, a jeans and tucking it in. My hair is in ponytail. I pick up the transparent sunglasses on the table and look my self at the mirror.

"Uwaaah. You're so Pretty as well handsome." I flying kiss myself through the mirror.

I check the time, It's already 9:10 am.
I walk down to the living room and see my brother smiling at me.

"Where's eomma?" I asks him.

"She went outside." I nodded.

"Okay oppa, I'm going to leave now" I bid a goodbye to him.

"Okay. Remember what i said, dont do 'it' inside my car" I heard him laughing. I just rolled my eyes. I walk to the garage to get the car.

"Hi there sexyyyy" I greet my brother's car.

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