Answer. Part 1

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(Yuri's POV)

"I guess your silence means I just got rejec—" I don't know what to reply, my body just react that i didn't realize what am i doing.

My heart is pounding so hard when I felt her soft lips on mine. I close my eyes i dont want to see her reaction.

She pulled away because our turn in the ferris wheel was about to end. The moment that the door of the ferris wheel open I immediately run, I was embarrassed of my action.

'Why did you do that?' I scold my self and slightly hit my head.

'How am I going to face her' Ugghh!! Im so frustrated. I look back at the ferris wheel and I see her getting near to me.

"Lets go home, It's getting late" I can see that her smile is from ear to ear. Im still nervous. We reach the parking area we both enter the car.

Cricket sound can be hear inside the car.
I feel like I lost my soul. I peek at her, she's smiling.

I close my eyes and get some sleep.

(Yena's POV)

At first I was shock when yuri did that. I never thought that yuri can do that. I smile to myself and touch the lips on mine.

'This girl is reaally the cause of my death' I chuckles and shake my head.

I saw her getting frustrated, I want to tease her but I think its not a good idea. I walk towards to her and tell her that we're going home. We reached the parking lot and get inside the car. I want to talk to her but i know she won't reply, I just let her be silent.

The scenario was replaying to my brain that cause me to smile. Maybe yuri find it creepy but I can't stop myself from smiling. I look at her, she's sleeping.

"You're so beautiful inside and out yuri ah~" I said as i look at her.

We reach her house, she's still sleeping.
Should i wake her up? or Should i carry her?

"Yuri ah?" I tap her, shes not moving.

"J-joyul were at your house" I said and finally she wake up.

"Hmm." She slowly open her eyes. I open the door for her.

"Thankyou for this day yena ah~ I really enjoy it" Yuri smile at me.

"No, I should be the one who thank you" I smile at her.

"Take care, Be careful when your driving back to your home. Goodnight" She bid a goodbye to me, but i hold her hand to stop her from leaving.

"J-joyul~ I just want to say" She face me waiting for my next words.

"A-bout th-e ki—" she stop me from talking.

"Ah.. See you tom-orrow bye." She run away from me. I sigh at the same time laugh.

"You really like to left me hanging"

"YOURE DRIVING ME CRAZYYYY" I chuckles and get inside the car.

I reached my phone and text her.

To: Joyuul💘

See you tomorrow, Goodnight jjoyuul~
I'll be waiting for your response.😘

I send it to her and drive my way at home.

After a minute, I already reached home the moment I open the door I can see my brother face smiling.

"So how's your date?" My brother asks me. I dont know if she want to tease me or something.

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