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(Third POV)

Yena walk inside their house with a widesmile.

"HIIIIIIII FFFAAAAMM" She greet them in a high pitch tone, everyone in the house are shock by yena's sudden action.

"Oh dear, just in time I already prepare our dinner" her mother said.

"What happen to you ducky? it looks like you won a lottery?" her brother laughs at her.

"Tease me all you want, I'm in a good mood soooo, i don't careeee" she stick her tongue out to her brother then they teasing each other but then they stop when their mother scold them.

"Stop with the teasing let's eat dinner." they both stop and settled in the table.

"So yena what's with the big smile on your face?" her father asks, the younger girl smile from ear to ear and answer.

"Yuri and I is now official" her mother, father and brother choke from the sudden confession.

"Are you sure you actually move on from Yiren?" Yena smile and answer her mother.

"Yes mom, I'm totally into yuri now annd I must say that I already move on when I saw her earlier."

"You saw-- you WHAT?" her brother spit the water out of his mouth.

"Yah! you're gross oppa aishh"

"You and Yiren meet up?" her brother asks worriedly.

"Yea she attend the same school as I am plus she also my classmate." Yena said calmly.

"and if you're worried if she affect me, you are all wrong. I'm fine i am really fine" then she smile. Her brother hugs her.

"Finally we are relief that you're fine" then broke the hug.

"So please don't worry because my eyes is only for my yuri" Yena smile form ear to ear that makes their family smile too.

"I would like to meet that 'yuri of yours'" her mom said while smiling then her daughter nodded.

"I'd love to, I'll ask her tomorrow" then they eat peacefully, laughing and teasing.

[While in Yuri's House]

Yuri walk inside their house also wearing a wide smile.

"Mom I'm home" She said calmly and run towards her mom in the sofa then hug her.

"Oh joyuri, You looks so happy?" her mom smile.

"Mooooom, what if I say that I'm already in a relationship? what would you react?"She looks at her mothers eyes.

"Hmm I would be angry.." Yuri broke the hug and looks at her mother worriedly, as she feel nervous.

"I would be angry if its not 'Yena'" yuri's face was shock when her mother spill her lover's name at the same time she blush at her mother bluntly word.

"Why? you ask? are you in a relationship?" her mother look at her, she lower her head hiding her red cheeks. She nodded, her mother laughs at her.

"Mom why are you laughing?" Yuri pouts, her mother hugs her.

"I know that you are in a relationship with yena" Yuri looks at her mother who is smilling.

"How did you know?" She asks her mother.

"I accidentally saw you two outside.." Yuri feel embarassed she hide her face with her palm.

"Hahah don't worry joyuri, I didn't saw you to ki--" Yuri's cheeks is burning so hard.

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